Rafly Maragani’s Achievement

Jakarta, October 9, 2023 – Another brilliant achievement was made by Physics Education student of FMIPA State University of Jakarta, Rafly Maragani, who won second place in the National Scientific Writing Competition in 2023. This prestigious competition was held at Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.

Rafly Maragani, who is a 2021 batch student, managed to show his ability to produce quality and relevant scientific papers. His work entitled “The Designer Virtual Reality-Based Fashion Design Application to Increase Fashion Management Student Production in the Era of Society 5.0” managed to amaze the judges with in-depth analysis and sophisticated research methods.

The 2023 National Scientific Writing Competition was held as a forum for students throughout Indonesia to compete and share knowledge in various disciplines. Participants from various universities in Indonesia competed to showcase their contribution to the development of science.

Rafly Maragani stated, “I am very grateful and proud of this achievement. This competition is not only about winning awards, but also about the process of learning and sharing knowledge. I am grateful to my teammates, my supervisors and colleagues who have provided support during the research process.”

FMIPA, especially the Physics Education Study Program of Universitas Negeri Jakarta, is proud of Rafly Maragani’s achievement. The advisor of BEMP Physics Education stated, “Rafly’s achievement is a mirror of the quality of education we offer in the Physics Education Study Program of FMIPA UNJ. We hope that achievements like this will continue to inspire other students to excel in the scientific world.”

Congratulations to Rafly Maragani for his success in the 2023 National Scientific Writing Competition. Hopefully this achievement will motivate other students to continue to be dedicated in pursuing deeper knowledge and science.

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