Implementation of the 2015 SNF-UNJ National Physics Seminar

The seminar with the theme ” Physics in the Future: Education, Application, Sustainable Development, and Innovation ” presented two main speakers, namely Dr. Acep Purqon (ITB), and Dr. Anto Sulaksono (UI).

The number of papers received and presented was 360 titles with fields of study including: Physics Education; Theoretical, Particle and Nuclear Physics; Earth and Space Sciences; Physics of Materials and Energy; Instrumentation and Computing; as well as Biophysics and Medical Physics.

Speaker participants came from the University of North Sumatra, Medan State University, Andalas University, Padang State University, Bengkulu University, Riau University, Lampung University, Pancasila University, Trisakti University, Jakarta State University, University of Indonesia, Pelita Harapan University, UHAMKA, State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Surya Teacher Training College, Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics College (STMKG), Open University, Bogor Agricultural Institute, Bandung Institute of Technology, Padjadjaran University, Indonesian Education University, Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University Bandung, Parahyangan Catholic University, Semarang State University, Sebelas Maret University, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta State University, Ahmad Dahlan University Yogyakarta,Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta State Islamic University, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya, Malang State University, Sam Ratulangi University Manado, Muhammadiyah University Makassar, Hassanudin University Makasar, Halu Oleo University, IKIP PGRI Pontianak, Pattimura University Ambon, Cenderawasih University, Caraka Chemical Analysis Academy, BAPETEN, National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN), Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT), Pertamina, Astra Manufacturing Polytechnic, SMA Santa Angela, SMAN 1 Sumarorong Mamasa, SMK 5 Jakarta, and MAN 15 Jakarta.Muhammadiyah University Makassar, Hassanudin University Makasar, Halu Oleo University, IKIP PGRI Pontianak, Pattimura University Ambon, Cenderawasih University, Caraka Academy of Analytical Chemistry, BAPETEN, National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN), Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Research and Development Agency Application of Technology (BPPT), Pertamina, Astra Manufacturing Polytechnic, SMA Santa Angela, SMAN 1 Sumarorong Mamasa, SMK 5 Jakarta, and MAN 15 Jakarta.Muhammadiyah University Makassar, Hassanudin University Makasar, Halu Oleo University, IKIP PGRI Pontianak, Pattimura University Ambon, Cenderawasih University, Caraka Academy of Analytical Chemistry, BAPETEN, National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN), Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Research and Development Agency Application of Technology (BPPT), Pertamina, Astra Manufacturing Polytechnic, SMA Santa Angela, SMAN 1 Sumarorong Mamasa, SMK 5 Jakarta, and MAN 15 Jakarta. SMAN 1 Sumarorong Mamasa, SMK 5 Jakarta, and MAN 15 Jakarta.SMAN 1 Sumarorong Mamasa, SMK 5 Jakarta, and MAN 15 Jakarta.

The number of papers submitted shows the enthusiasm of researchers from various institutions to continue working. SNF-UNJ will continue to strive to be a forum for the publication of research results. Furthermore, after it has been presented, each paper will continue to go through the review stage and then be published in the SNF-UNJ Online Proceedings .

On this occasion, the committee would like to thank the management of the Jakarta branch of HFI, the sponsors from Bank Bukopin, PT Multi Teknindo Infotronika, PT Kompas Media Nusantara, Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) 46, PT Quantum Home Appliance, Wiley, Toko Buku Spektra, as well as to all parties who have provided support and contributions to make this seminar possible. And of course great appreciation for all the speakers and participants who contributed.

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