Launching JPPPF – Volume 1 No 1

The UNJ Physics Education Study Program on 31 June 2015 officially published the first edition and first issue of JPPPF – Journal of Physics Education Research and Development , with a list of article titles and authors as follows:

  1. Development of Web-Based Physics Learning Media Using a Guided Discovery Learning Approach
    Sherly Kalatting, Vina Serevina, I Made Astra
  2. Problem Based Instruction Learning Model to Improve Mastery of Science Concepts and Process Skills for
    Adam Malik Students
  3. The Influence of the 7E Learning Cycle Learning Model on Physics Learning Outcomes of High School Students
    Izzah Imaniyah, Siswoyo, Fauzi Bakri
  4. Application of the Five Stage Conceptual Teaching Model to Improve Learning Achievement and Scientific Consistency in High School Students
    Resta Krishnayanti, Selly Feranie, I Made Padri
  5. The Influence of the Multi-Representation Approach in Physics Learning on the Cognitive Abilities of High School Students
    Laras Widianingtiyas, Siswoyo, Fauzi Bakri
  6. Planning and Implementing Cooperative Learning Type Group Investigation to Increase the Effectiveness of Class X Physics Learning: Classroom Action Research
    Septian Efendi, Irwan Koto
  7. Development of a Discovery-Inquiry Based Module for High School Physics Class XII Semester 2
    Upik Rahma Fitri, Desnita, Erfan Handoko
  8. Design and Construction of an Expansion Virtual Laboratory for
    Novi Nurhayati Middle School, Ijang Rohman
  9. Improving Student Learning Outcomes on Dynamics of Particle Motion Material by Applying the Project Based Learning Model
    Vina Serevina, Dewi Muliyati
  10. Didactical Design for Learning Concepts of Energy and Kinetic Energy Based on Students’ Learning Difficulties at Senior High Schools
    Heni Rusnayati, Rahellia Stefani, Agus Fanny Chandra Wijaya
  11. Student Understanding of the
    Siswoyo Photoelectric Effect
  12. Diagnosis of Student Learning Difficulties in Understanding the Concept of Momentum
    Saeful Karim, Duden Saepuzaman, SP Sriyansyah
  13. Analysis of Physics Teacher Competency Test Results
    Fauzi Bakri, Sabar Budi Raharjo
  14. Modeling Instruction on Modern Physics Material
    Dian Wahid Hermawan, Sutikno, Masturi

These fourteen articles have gone through a peer-review system by both internal UNJ Physics Education lecturers and bestari partners. JPPPF is an open access journal developed with the content management system Open Journal System (OJS) . In the future, JPPPF is targeted to be indexed in many indexing institutions so that all articles can be accessed by many people.

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