Honing Our Skills Together (HOST) 2022

HOST (Honing Our Skill Together) is an activity involving Physics Education Students, general students in Indonesia with the main aim of learning and understanding alternative energy and making one example of alternative energy, namely briquettes. This event includes a discussion about alternative energy itself, examples, steps in making one example of alternative energy, namely briquettes, as well as training in making briquettes. HOST is here to increase participants’ understanding of renewable energy and to be a forum for participants to increase their knowledge of making briquettes so that they can contribute to reducing the use of non-renewable energy so that it is more environmentally friendly. The Honing Our Skill Together (HOST) activity organized by the Student Advocacy and Welfare Department of BEMP Physics Education, Jakarta State University is expected to be a forum for general students, especially at undergraduate level at FMIPA UNJ, to gain knowledge and information about the use of organic waste, the importance of renewable energy, and steps for making products from renewable energy. With the hope that the knowledge gained can be used to make renewable energy products that can be used in everyday life. and steps for making products from renewable energy. With the hope that the knowledge gained can be used to make renewable energy products that can be used in everyday life. and steps for making products from renewable energy. With the hope that the knowledge gained can be used to make renewable energy products that can be used in everyday life.

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