Collaborating with UNJ, ICANDO Strives for Academically Proven Products

ICANDO continues to make efforts to improve the quality of its products.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — After becoming the winner of the Octava Social Innovation Challenge organized by MIT Solve in early 2022, the  edtech startup  from Indonesia, ICANDO, continues to make efforts to improve the quality of its product, which is a  game-based learning application.

This startup  , which focuses on early childhood education, has just announced that it has officially collaborated with Jakarta State University (UNJ), specifically with the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Jakarta State University (FMIPA UNJ).

“FMIPA  UNJ  has been proven to produce great thinkers, educators and scientists who master the fields of science and pedagogy. “We are confident that this collaboration will be able to bring  ICANDO  to further hone children’s 21st century skills with STEM-based learning so that it can produce future generations of scientists and innovators,” said Syaiful Lokan, CEO and  founder  of ICANDO in a press release, Monday (9/4/ 2022).

It was stated that FMIPA UNJ would later help ICANDO accommodate the latest research results in MIPA to strengthen and perfect ICANDO’s STEM-based learning content.

The main focus of this collaboration is to conduct research on the level of effectiveness of ICANDO as an educational application, including (1) monitoring children’s learning activities in the application, (2) measuring the quality of existing content, and (3) jointly developing, improving, as well as providing new innovations that have been researched academically to optimize children’s abilities through interactive learning methods.

ICANDO will also be a forum for accommodating internship students from UNJ which can be an opportunity for them to be directly involved in overcoming Indonesian education problems, such as traditional learning methods and learning disparities between Indonesian regions and between Indonesia and other countries by equipping teachers with content. best science learning for students.

Dean of FMIPA UNJ, Prof. Dr. Muktiningsih, M.Sc., hopes that the synergy between FMIPA UNJ and ICANDO can have a big impact on the education sector and also increase the contribution of the  academic community  by applying their expertise in the field of Mathematics and Natural Sciences to communities outside the university.

In line with Prof. Dr. Muktiningsih, Syaiful Lokan hopes to provide continuous support for human resources between both parties so that they can jointly improve the quality of Indonesian children’s education by providing quality, affordable and easily accessible innovative learning for all Indonesian children without exception.


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