PKKMB: Pengenalan Kehidupan Kampus Mahasiswa Baru Introduction to Campus Life for New Students Physics Education in 2020

FMIPA Physics Education Study Program State University of Jakarta

Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PKKMB) 2020, especially new students of the Physics Education Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Jakarta State University (UNJ) was held online and an activity session with the Study Program was held on 17 September 2020 . Welcome and good luck to all educational pioneers on the Merdeka Belajar Campus Merdeka campus. The theme of the 2020 PKKMB activity is ” Creating Prospective New Physics Education Students (Achievement, Religious, Progressive, Innovative and Pro-Active) Together with Freedom to Learn in the Era 4.0 “. This activity aims to provide an introduction to campus life to new Physics Education students as a provision for participating in academic activities so that they will become good human beingsAchievement, Religious, Progressive, Innovative and Pro-Active .

Currently the world is being hit by the Covid-19 pandemic, and the impact is also being felt by all of us, especially in the world of education. The new 2020 FMIPA UNJ Physics Education students are the first generation to experience this impact directly. Currently, all of us, especially the academic community, are witnesses and perpetrators of how the world of education and learning which was carried out face-to-face (offline) has changed to online (on the network). This shows that education is very valuable capital for the nation’s generation and cannot be hindered or inhibited by any circumstances. Online learning is a form of problem solving effort through innovation that utilizes information and computer technology in facing very rapid and complex global changes and challenges.

Awards were presented to the entire academic community so that PKKM 2020 activities could run smoothly. Appreciation was also conveyed to all Alumni for their support and participation in this activity, including Mr. Saehu Nurdin, S.Pd., MM (Chair of the IKA Physics FMIPA UNJ), family and alumni elders, including Mr. Dr. Sony Teguh Trilaksono, Colonel Dr. Sholeh, Solihan, M.Pd., Fakhrizal Arsi, M.Pd., Kiar Vansa, S.Pd., M.Teach., Aditya Nugraha, S.Pd., M.Si., Juwarto, M.Pd.

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