Implementation of the 2020 Physics Education Accreditation Field Assessment

FMIPA Physics Education Study Program State University of Jakarta

8 September 2020

Study Program Accreditation activities are an effort to continuously improve the quality of Study Programs to continue to maintain and improve the quality of study programs and graduates. The Field Assessment (AL) activity for the Accreditation of the FMIPA Physics Education Study Program, Jakarta State University was carried out on 7-8 September 2020. Considering the situation of the Covid-19 pandemic and the Indonesian government’s policy of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB), the implementation of the AL was carried out online ( on line). The assessor for Al’s activities is Prof. Cari, MA., M.Sc., Ph.D (FMIPA UNS Surakarta) and Dr. A. Halim, M.Si (FKIP Unsyiah Aceh). The highest thanks and appreciation to the entire Form Team, Study Program Lecturers, FMIPA and UNJ as well as the academic community for their support so that the implementation of AL can run smoothly. The highest appreciation was also conveyed to alumni and users, including Mr. Saehu Nurdin, S.Pd., MM (Chair of the IKA Physics FMIPA UNJ) and the elders and families of Physics Education alumni, namely Dr. Sony Teguh Trilaksono, Colonel Dr. Sholeh and all alumni who agreed to participate in the discussion session with assessors.

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