Implementation of the 2020 Science and Mathematics International Conference (SMIC).

Implementation of the Science and Mathematics International Conference (SMIC) 2020 FMIPA Physics Education Study Program State University of Jakarta

Jakarta, 11 Agustus 2020
The Science and Mathematics International Conference (SMIC) as a biannual international seminar activity at FMIPA UNJ was held on Saturday-Sunday 8-9 August 2020 online using a webinar from Hotel Santika Kelapa Gading Jakarta. This year’s SMIC implementation is the second year chaired by Dr. Mutia Delina, M.Si (Physics FMIPA UNJ) with the theme “Transforming Research and Education of Science and Mathematics in the Digital Age” . A total of 269 seminar participants from various institutions and agencies from 8 countries ( Australia, Bangladesh, Ghana, Indonesia, India, Malaysia, Nigeria, Philippines) attended this activity virtually. Seminar articles will be published in the American Institute of Physics (AIP) Publisher which is indexed by Scopus.

SMIC 2020 Keynote Speakers include Dr. Like Tri Handoko (LIPI Jakarta), Prof. Chen-Chung Liu (Computer Science, Science, Math Edu), Dr. Rupa Vuthaluru (Curtin University), Prof. Hesham El Enshasy (UTM).

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