Preparing Excellent Students, UNJ Holds PKKMB 2021 Online and Offline

Prepare Excellent Students, UNJ Degree
PKKMB 2021 Online and Offline

August 18, 2021

Jakarta State University (UNJ) is holding an Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PPKMB) in 2021 online and offline with the theme “PKKMB Creating Superior and Reputable UNJ Students in the Asian Region”. This activity is also enlivened by Science, Technology and Student Accounting
Week (PESTA) Online UNJ 2021. Offline PKKMB UNJ 2021 activities were held in the Bung Hatta Building Hall, 2nd floor, Campus A UNJ, Jakarta.

UNJ Chancellor Prof. Komarudin in his speech said, there are 4 important points in holding PKKMB, apart from being an annual routine agenda, namely:

  1. As an introduction to the campus world for new students, so that new students are able to adapt academically and non-academicly;
  2. Introduction to the vision and culture of the campus, which is a superior higher education institution and one of the best LPTKs in Indonesia which has a vision of becoming a “reputable campus in the Asian region”;
  3. The introduction of national insight is expected to increase new students’ awareness and love for their homeland and the Republic of Indonesia;
  4. Introducing global insight, it is hoped that new students will be able to become global citizens who have a global mindset, and can socialize at a global level.

UNJ Chancellor Prof. Komarudin hopes that the 2021 UNJ PKKMB activities can run well and according to expectations even though they are limited during the current pandemic.

“Hopefully the 2021 UNJ PKKMB will run successfully and welcome new UNJ students, and congratulations on making achievements for the good name of UNJ,” said Prof. Komarudin.

More than 6,400 new students participated

Through an official release (18/8/2021), Abdul Sukur, Deputy Chancellor for Student and Alumni Affairs at UNJ, explained that this annual activity aims to introduce campus life to new students.

The PPKMB UNJ 2021 event was held from 9-21 August 2021. The event began with the pre-event Festival of Interests and Talents which was held 9-13 August 2021. Then followed by the opening of the PKKMB UNJ 2021 on 16 August 2021.

The next activities are a virtual flag ceremony and sensi gymnastics on August 17 2021.

Meanwhile, August 18-19 2021 will be filled with Faculty PKKMB and Online Classes; then August 20 2021 is filled with PKKMB Study Programs and for the closing of PKKMB UNJ 2021 on August 21 2021.

Abdul Sukur further explained that the 2021 PKKMB UNJ activities were attended by 6,433 new students.
The details are as follows: The Faculty of Education has 912 students, the Faculty of Languages ​​and Arts has 783 students, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences has 938 students.

There is also a Faculty of Social Sciences with 736 students, a Faculty of Engineering with 1315 students, a Faculty of Sports Sciences with 455 students, a Faculty of Economics with 1051 students, a Faculty of Educational Psychology with 243 students.

On the same occasion, Abdul Sukur, advised all new UNJ students to always bring a good name and improve positive achievements for themselves, and especially UNJ.

Meanwhile, Shandy Aditya, as Development Expert Staff to the Deputy Chancellor for Student and Alumni Affairs at UNJ, explained that the journey of the pandemic from last year to now has become a challenge for the entire UNJ academic community to continue to be creative and innovate.

“The opening of the PKKMB UNJ this year went much smoother than last year, indicating that we continue to evaluate ourselves and adjust conditions without reducing the essence of PKKMB,” said Shandy Aditya.

“One word ‘satisfied’ for the good cooperation from the committee, the Pustikom team, and the leaders who gave us space to be creative,” he said.

UNJ PKKMB offline activities were attended by UNJ leaders, committee members and invited guests on a limited basis and implemented strict health protocols.

There were also invited guests, namely the Heads of LPTK Universities and other universities, the Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Service, the Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Youth and Sports Service, and the General Chair of KONI DKI Jakarta.

Preparing Excellent Students, UNJ Holds PKKMB 2021 Online and Offline

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