UNJ Physics Education Study Program Holds Minimum Competency Assessment Training for Teachers and Students

June 17, 2021

The National Assessment (AN) has been established by the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) to replace the National Examination (UN), by relying on the Minimum Competency Assessment (AKM), Character Survey and Learning Environment Survey, as a way of mapping the quality of education in all schools, madrasas and primary and secondary level equality programs.

As an active role for universities in this matter, the Physics Education Study Program, FMIPA, Jakarta State University (UNJ) conducted AKM Training and Computer-Based Technical Tests on 31 May to 4 June 2021 and continued with activity evaluation and verification of training output on 7 to 15 Last June 2021.

This activity presented two resource persons who were teachers with achievements and background experience in accordance with the material presented, namely Wahyu Setya Wenangsari, who is a teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Lawang Malang and Bintang Ronauli, a teacher at SMPK 5 Penabur Jakarta. This combination of resource persons and participants is an embodiment of the concept of ‘share to learn – learn to share’.

For participants from the school principal element, this activity can provide insight and contribute ideas to school programs, while for teachers it can be an opportunity to upgrade skills. Not only that, this activity is also useful for learning technology developers because it will provide ideas and frameworks for applied models and the appropriate use of learning technology.

The short-term target of this activity is to enable participants to have the skills to create minimum competency assessment questions and improve their test-making skills using the Learning Management System platform. Meanwhile, for the long-term target, we can continuously organize training which is part of the TPACK framework, especially technological knowledge and pedagogical knowledge.

The Chief Executive of this training stated that this activity was carried out to improve the skills of teachers and students. So far, the Physics Study Program, FMIPA, UNJ has indeed carried out various training activities involving human resources in the world of education. This time, his party collaborated with the Pandeglang Regency High School MKKS partners and the Pandeglang Regency High School MGMP Forum was involved.

“The Community Service program platform for the UNJ Physics Education Study Program consists of 2 e-learning platforms, namely p2mphysics and ontrack. “The p2mphysics platform is targeted at fellow teachers, especially physics and science teachers, while the ontrack platform targets a wider range of participants and appropriate material with the hope that the impact of the training results can be wider,” said Dewi Muliyati, Lecturer at the UNJ.Diktetahui Physics Study Program that in In 2020, his party has successfully held 4 OnTrack activities with the Indonesian Teachers Association collaboration partners. Of all the participants in this activity, the best participants were selected and some of them were teachers from Pandeglang.

This activity was attended by 200 participants who came from many provinces starting from Aceh, North Sumatra, South Sumatra, Lampung, Banten, DKI Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, East Java, Special Region of Yogyakarta, West Kalimantan, North Kalimantan and Maluku North, there were even registered participants with affiliations from Chiayi Province, Taiwan.

Meanwhile, the distribution of participants consisted of lecturers, school principals, teachers, education staff, learning technology developers and students. Among the student participants, they hoped that this activity would provide learning experiences in the fields they would become professions in, after graduating from college.

They came from Jakarta State University, Sebelas Maret University, and Semarang State University, which are also members of the independent campus program in the UNJ physics education class. This received a very good response from the Coordinator of the UNJ Physics Education Study Program, Esmar Budi, who stated that “UNJ Physics Education will continue to contribute to the independent campus program.”

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