Virtual Graduation Semester 113 of Jakarta State University (UNJ) Academic Year 2020/2021

Semester 113 Virtual Graduation Jakarta State University (UNJ) Academic Year 2020/2021

April 10, 2021


UNJ Public Relations (10/04/2021) – Saturday, 10 April 2021 LIVE via Zoom and the UNJ YouTube channel, a UNJ Virtual Graduation for the 2020/2021 Academic Year was held for odd semester 113. Previously, the Virtual Graduation for semester 111 and semester 112 was held in 2020. and run successfully and comply with existing health protocols. The 113th semester Virtual Graduation is still being held amidst concern and uncertainty about the end of the Covid-19 Pandemic which is still sweeping the world and Indonesia. At the UNJ Virtual Graduation for the 2020/2021 Academic Year, the theme was “Building a Civilized Digital Society with Transformative Pedagogy-Rawamangun”. This theme was raised in order to strengthen UNJ’s identity and face the challenges of the era of disruption and the post-Covid-19 pandemic world.

At the Virtual Graduation for the 2020/2021 Academic Year, UNJ graduated 2,187 graduates from the Associate Expert (D3), Bachelor (S1), Masters (S2) and Doctoral (S3) programs. With details: (1) Faculty of Education (FIP), the number of graduates was 314 graduates; (2) Faculty of Languages ​​and Arts (FBS), the number of graduates was 237 graduates; (3) Faculty of Mathematics and Science (FMIPA), the number of graduates was 218 graduates; (4) Faculty of Social Sciences (FIS), the number of graduates was 200 graduates; (5) Faculty of Engineering (FT), the number of graduates was 326 graduates; (6) Faculty of Sports Sciences (FIK), the number of graduates was 247 graduates; (7) Faculty of Economics (FE), the number of graduates was 232 graduates; (8) Faculty of Psychological Education (FPPsi), the number of graduates was 67 graduates; and (9) Postgraduate, the number of graduates was 346 graduates. Even though it was held virtually, the Semester 113 Graduation Ceremony for the 2020/2021 Academic Year was held well, solemnly and lively. At the Semester 113 Graduation Ceremony for the 2020/2021 Academic Year, we again used robots made by ourselves by the Robotics Community Team, Faculty of Engineering, UNJ. The work of UNJ students and lecturers shows good creativity and innovation in the field of robotics.

At the Semester 113 Graduation Ceremony for the 2020/2021 Academic Year, the Deputy Chair of the MPR RI, Mr. Dr. Jazilul Fawaid, Chairman of Commission X DPR RI, Mr. Syaiful Huda, Chairman of Committee III DPD RI, Prof. Dr. Hj. Sylviana Murni, SH, M.Si, Chair of the Indonesian Presidential Advisory Council, General Purn. TNI Dr. Wiranto, Director General of Higher Education, Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture and Leaders within the Ministry of Education and Culture, Governor of DKI Jakarta, Commander of the Indonesian Fleet Command for the Western Region (Koarmabar), Head of the DKI Jakarta Youth and Sports Service, Dr. Achmad Firdaus, S.Pd, M.Si, Chairman of KOI, Raja Sapta Oktohari, Chairman of PB. PABBSI, Maj. Gen. TNI Mar (Ret.) Djoko Pramono, S.IP., MBA or representative, Chancellors of 12 LPTKs and other universities, Board of Trustees of Jakarta State University, Board of Trustees of Jakarta State University, Collaboration Partners, Keynote Speaker of Scientific Oration, Prof. Dr. Ir. R. Eko Indrajit, M.Sc., MBA., M.Phi., MA., Chair of the Jakarta State University Senate, Secretary of the Jakarta State University Senate, Chairmen of Commissions and Members of the Jakarta State University Senate, as well as Professors, Representatives Chancellors and Heads of Institutions, Deans and Postgraduate Directors, Heads of Bureaus, Heads of Agencies, Heads of Units, and Heads of UPTs, Deputy Deans, Deputy Directors of Postgraduate Programs, Institution Secretaries, Agency Secretaries, Deputy Heads of Agencies, Heads of Divisions, and Central Coordinators , Study Program Coordinators, Chair and administrators of the Dharma Wanita Association of Jakarta State Universities, Chair and Administrators of the Alumni Association, Lecturers and Employees, Virtual Graduation Committee for the 2020/2021 Academic Year, and graduates and their families. Prof. Dr. Ir. R. Eko Indrajit, M.Sc., MBA., M.Phi., MA., Chair of the Jakarta State University Senate, Secretary of the Jakarta State University Senate, Chairmen of Commissions and Members of the Jakarta State University Senate, as well as Professors, Representatives Chancellors and Heads of Institutions, Deans and Postgraduate Directors, Heads of Bureaus, Heads of Agencies, Heads of Units, and Heads of UPTs, Deputy Deans, Deputy Directors of Postgraduate Programs, Institution Secretaries, Agency Secretaries, Deputy Heads of Agencies, Heads of Divisions, and Central Coordinators , Study Program Coordinators, Chair and administrators of the Dharma Wanita Association of Jakarta State Universities, Chair and Administrators of the Alumni Association, Lecturers and Employees, Virtual Graduation Committee for the 2020/2021 Academic Year, and graduates and their families. Prof. Dr. Ir. R. Eko Indrajit, M.Sc., MBA., M.Phi., MA., Chair of the Jakarta State University Senate, Secretary of the Jakarta State University Senate, Chairmen of Commissions and Members of the Jakarta State University Senate, as well as Professors, Representatives Chancellors and Heads of Institutions, Deans and Postgraduate Directors, Heads of Bureaus, Heads of Agencies, Heads of Units, and Heads of UPTs, Deputy Deans, Deputy Directors of Postgraduate Programs, Institution Secretaries, Agency Secretaries, Deputy Heads of Agencies, Heads of Divisions, and Central Coordinators , Study Program Coordinators, Chair and administrators of the Dharma Wanita Association of Jakarta State Universities, Chair and Administrators of the Alumni Association, Lecturers and Employees, Virtual Graduation Committee for the 2020/2021 Academic Year, and graduates and their families.

On the occasion of the 113th Semester Virtual Graduation, the Chancellor of UNJ, Prof. Dr. Komarudin, M.Si said that in line with the hope of strengthening UNJ’s identity and achieving the vision of a reputable campus in the Asian region, UNJ is increasingly strengthening itself day by day by (1) achieving the title of Superior at the beginning of 2021 from BANPT; (2) expanding international cooperation networks through partnerships with Indonesian Embassies in African, Australian, Asian and European countries; (3) internationalization of study program accreditation; (4) PKM International in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; and (5) other achievements at the beginning of 2021. This achievement is a parameter that we are serious about bringing UNJ towards its revival. From a student affairs perspective, In the 2020 period, 510 students achieved their best achievements at national and international levels. Meanwhile, in the period January – March 2021 there were 96 students who made proud achievements for UNJ on the national and international stage.

Furthermore, the Chancellor of UNJ said that the real task of education is to build “morals – civility”. This must be positioned above science and technology, especially in facing the era of disruption and the post-Covid-19 pandemic world. “Hopefully with the knowledge achieved and confirmed today, our moral nobility will become stronger, stronger in defending the weak and in need, more intelligent and dignifying the nation. This is UNJ’s DNA, the DNA of Transformative Pedagogy-Rawamangun. “May Allah SWT be pleased with our intentions and steps to advance UNJ towards a reputable campus in the Asian region,” said the Chancellor of UNJ, Prof. Dr. Komarudin, M.Si to the graduates and invited guests at the Semester 113 Graduation Ceremony for the 2020/2021 Academic Year.

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