Judicial Semester 113 Academic Year 2020/2021 Physics Education Study Program FMIPA Jakarta State University

Judicial Semester 113 Academic Year 2020/2021 FMIPA Physics Education Study Program State University of Jakarta

Jakarta, 26 February 2021

On Friday, February 26 2021, the Judiciary for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs at FMIPA UNJ was held online . The Judiciary activities were opened by the Dean of FMIPA UNJ, Dr. Adisyahputra, MS and attended by all the Deputy Deans of FMIPA, Korprodi within FMIPA, the Chair and members of the FMIPA Senate as well as the FMIPA Judiciary. The best judges in the Undergraduate Physics Education Study Program and the Masters in Physics Education Masters Study Program are Hilda Amelia, S.Pd and Immanuel Bobby Sabar, M.Pd respectively. Congratulations to the best judiciary and also all the 113th semester judiciary.

Participants in Judicial 113 FY 2020/2021

FMIPA Undergraduate Physics Education Study Program

State University of Jakarta

No Judician’s name NIM   No Judician’s name NIM
1 LILIS SRI KURNIASTUTI 3215165337   18 Nathasya Jessica 3215162379
2 Rizka Fauziah 3215160648   19 Ade Nur Maemunah 3215162140
3 Siti Nur Khalifah 3215162043   20 Melina Nurindrasari 3215162181
4 SITI FATIMAH 3215165489   21 DEWI SETYA DAMAYANTI 3215140620
5 ABDUL RAHMAN HAKIM 3215162050   22 CHOIRUNNISA 3215130867
6 Hanna Rohana 3215162512   23 ZAHRA QIBTIA BALQIS 3215130866
7 Zakiyah 3215161674   24 Zahra Nurul Huda 3215133236
8 NOVIA DWI SAFIRA AZIZ 3215160118   25 Alfi Rianto 3215130860
9 SYIFA NABILA BASYIR 3215162291   26 IRHAMNA OPTIYANI 3215130859
10 UTARI WIDYA PRASTIKA 3215160791   27 Mohammad Fahmi Alibasya 3215133238
11 Muharni Afridita 3215161557   28 Hilda Amelia 1302617063
12 Noviana Pratiwi 3215161106   29 Feren Vini Danoza 1302617027
13 ASRI LESTARI 3215162832   30 Widoretno Wulandari 3215130839
14 Karunia Puji Lestari 3215160008   31 Siska Sugih Hartiwi 3215136355
15 Sari Andrayani 3215160645   32 Rima Oktapiani 3215160707
16 Lasni Karina 3215160218   33 Eka Amelia Putri 3215161491
17 Fahkriani Hanif 3215162472  

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