58 Physics Education Students Participate in 118 Graduation Ceremony at SICC

Jakarta State University (UNJ) held the 118th semester graduation ceremony for the 2022/2023 academic year on Wednesday, 11 October 2023 at the Sentul International Conference Center (SICC), Bogor, West Java. This event was attended by graduates, their families and invited guests who also enlivened this historic moment for the graduates.

Also present as a guest at this graduation event, Dr. Wiranto as Chair of the UNJ Board of Trustees and Member of the UNJ Board of Trustees, Prof. Nizam as Plt. Director General of Higher Education, Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture, Chairman and Member of the Supervisory Board, Acting. Governor of DKI Jakarta, Chancellors of 12 LPTKs and other Higher Education Leaders representing them, Chairman and Secretary of the UNJ Senate, Chairman of Commissions, Members of the Senate and Professors, Vice Chancellors and Heads of Institutions, Deans and Postgraduate Directors, Heads of Bureaus , Head of Agency, Head of Unit and Head of UPT, Chair of IKA UNJ, Juri Ardiantoro, Ph.D and IKA UNJ administrators.

At the 118th semester graduation ceremony for the 2022/2023 academic year, UNJ graduated 3007 graduates from the Diploma, Bachelor, Masters and Doctoral Programs. From the Faculty of Mathematics and Science (FMIPA), there were 414 graduates.

With 58 students in the Physics Education Study Program, the details of graduates are as follows:

  1. Defa Nurcahyani, S.Pd.
  2. Fadia Fatasya Rahmatica, S.Pd.
  3. Amalya Latudara, S.Pd.
  4. Anna Hafsah, S.Pd.
  5. Faradila Eka Partiwi, S.Pd.
  6. Tiara Pramudita Widianingrum, S.Pd.
  7. Salsabila Khairun Nisa, S.Pd.
  8. Eva Aulia, S.Pd.
  9. Citra Indah Permata, S.Pd.
  10. Ni Made Ayu Diarti Putri Artasya, S.Pd.
  11. Arfa Hanania Yasti, S.Pd.
  12. Khairatunnisa, S.Pd.
  13. Asri Estiningsih, S.Pd.
  14. Antika, S.Pd.
  15. Assaidah Nurcholisah, S.Pd.
  16. Hilma Suhailah Rizky Hasibuan, S.Pd.
  17. Ruth Angelina Sirait, S.Pd.
  18. Olivia Oktaviara, S.Pd.
  19. Adista Daniswara, S.Pd.
  20. Agung Adelia Putri, S.Pd.
  21. Helmalia Triana, S.Pd.
  22. Amel Dwi Cahya Putri, S.Pd.
  23. Risa Aprilia, S.Pd.
  24. Khofifah Maulida, S.Pd.
  25. Shafa Putri Amrulloh, S.Pd.
  26. Meidhiyana Ulhaq, S.Pd.
  27. Dinda Melani Putri, S.Pd.
  28. Sifa Nur Safitri, S.Pd.
  29. Jayanti Eka Sari Ningsih, S.Pd.
  30. Nanda Putri Apriliani, S.Pd.
  31. Sharfina Adelia Widiantoro, S.Pd.
  32. Diana Mellyana A. Riyanto, S.Pd.
  33. Jihan Kusuma Wardani, S.Pd.
  34. Aimena Salma Khumaira, S.Pd.
  35. Vidya Kusumah Wardani, S.Pd.
  36. Aqila Insani, S.Pd.
  37. Nia Shara Jesica, S.Pd.
  38. Christi Umita Meyputri, S.Pd.
  39. Aida Nurhalimah, S.Pd.
  40. Dina Nurul Hafizhah, S.Pd.
  41. Firda Tazkia Salsabila, S.Pd.
  42. Riska Anggita Oktavia, S.Pd.
  43. Duwi Roisatul Maulidiyah, S.Pd.
  44. Adzkia Rodhiyah, S.Pd.
  45. Yulia Wazilah, S.Pd.
  46. Anggit Tri Anggraini, S.Pd.
  47. Naufal Hibatullah, S.Pd.
  48. Al Kautsar Zain, S.Pd.
  49. Rendy Setyabudi, S.Pd.
  50. Muhammad Imam Mauludin, S.Pd.
  51. Firman Prastiawan, S.Pd.
  52. Drajat Agung Nugroho, S.Pd.
  53. Mochamad Rizky Fradyatama, S.Pd.
  54. Joel Ongko Halim, S.Pd.
  55. Sabna Tamara Dika, S.Pd.
  56. Kukuh Kurniawan, S.Pd.
  57. Anas Sadewo, S.Pd.
  58. Amir Masud, S.Pd.

On this occasion, Prof. Komarudin as Chancellor of UNJ in his speech delivered the topic of “Building Independence Towards a World Class University”. This topic was created to inspire us all that to become the best PTN it is not enough to have the title of superior alone, but it must also be accompanied by university independence, especially in UNJ’s efforts to become a World Class University.

After the Chancellor’s speech, he continued with the presentation of diplomas to the graduates. The faculty deans and study program leaders took turns delivering speeches and handing over diplomas to the best graduates from each study program.

Not only that, this UNJ graduation ceremony was also enlivened by giving awards to students who had the best academic and non-academic achievements. The award is given as a form of appreciation for their dedication and hard work while studying at UNJ.

When the diploma handover procession was finished, an atmosphere of emotion and happiness radiated from the faces of the graduates and their families. They also took photos together as a beautiful memento of this historic day.

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