The diploma is an official certificate of graduation signed by the Rector, and awarded to bachelor and master students who have completed their study. The students also receive an academic transcript. The diploma and transcript are regulated by the Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education Decree No.5 of 2018 concerning Diplomas, Competency Certificates, Professional Certificates, Titles, and their writing rules in Higher Education. The Rectorate Decree on the Issuance of Diplomas and SKPI has been completed by the university and signed by the Rector and Dean as stipulated in the Minister of Education and Culture Decree No. 81 of 2014. In addition, graduates of bachelor programs are also awarded a Certificate for Accompanying Diploma. (SKPI) as a complementary document or supplement to the diploma, which contains academic achievements or qualifications through internalizing knowledge, attitudes, skills, competencies, and work experience. The SKPI also records students’ learning activities during their studies ( The SKPI explains the competency standards of graduates as stipulated in Law No. 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education, Article 52 paragraph 3 and Article 54 paragraph 1. The academic transcript is a certificate that contains a collection of grades for all courses taken from the first semester to the final semester during study, along with the GPA signed by the Dean of the faculty. The GPA, or Cumulative Grade Point Average, is the final accumulation of the total grades obtained by students during their studies in higher education, which is used as a benchmark for graduation. Bachelor students who have completed at least 144 credit hours (216 ECTS) and have passed all compulsory courses of the study program with a Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.00 will receive their diploma, academic transcript, and SKPI. Meanwhile, master students who have completed at least 44 credit hours (114.4 ECTS) and have passed all compulsory courses of the master’s program will receive their diploma, academic transcript.According to the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No.3 of 2020, a student’s success in completing a course is expressed in a student’s qualification with the letter A equal to the number 4 (four) categorized as ‘very good’; letter B equals the number 3 (three) categorized as ‘good’; letter C equals the number 2 (two) categorized as ‘fair’; letter D equals the number 1 (one) categorized as ‘insufficient,’ and letter E equals the number 0 (zero) categorized as ‘very insufficient.’ Students will graduate with a good predicate if they have a GPA of 2.75-3.00. Students will graduate with a very good predicate if they have a GPA of 3.01 to 3.50, and a Claude predicate if their GPA is above 3.50. If their GPA is below 2.76, they will not receive any predicate. Meanwhile, master students will get a sufficient predicate if they have a GPA of 3.00 to 3.50, a very good predicate if their GPA is 3.51 to 3.75, and a cum laude predicate if their GPA exceeds 3.75.