Dewi Muliyati, M.Si., M.Sc.

Dewi Muliyati, M.Si., M.Sc.

Assistant Professor

[Scopus] [Sinta] [Google Scholar]

Educational Background

  1. Bachelor’s degree: Education Physics, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia, 2011
  2. Master’s degree:
  • Master of Science, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, 2014
  • Master of Science, Kanazawa University, Japan, 2014

Academic Career (Employment)

  1. Editor JPPPF (Jurnal Penelitian & Pengembangan Pendidikan Fisika), Sinta 2 National Accredited, 2015-now.
  2. Editor SPEKTRA: Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya, Sinta 3 National Accredited, 2016-now.

Research and Development project over the last 5 years

  1. Penelitian 2022
  2. Pengembangan Simulasi Partikel Granular Dan Implementasinya Pada Mata Kuliah Fisika Komputasi, 2021
  3. Simulasi Partikel Granular Pada Sistem Permukaan Berpori Menggunakan Unified Particle Physics Solver, 2020
  4. Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Fisika Berbasis Augmented Reality, 2019
  5. Pengembangan Web Based Learning Berbasis Multirepresentasi Dan Kontekstual Untuk Program Pendidikan Fisika, 2018

Industry collaboration/ Community Services over the last 5 year

  1. Collaborative with SMK PKP 1 Jakarta Islamic School, 2022
  2. Collaborative with MKKS SMA Kabupaten Pandeglang, Traning of Minimum Competency Assessment in Learning, 2021
  3. Collaborative with Sagusaku Ikatan Guru Indonesia, Training of Qr-Code Integrated Portfolio Promotion Design For Teachers, 2020

Patents and Intellectual Property Right (IPR)

  1. Modul Simulasi Wavebreaker: Aplikasi dan Worksheet, 2022, EC00202219396
  2. Program Komputer Game Black Journey, 2022, EC00202219397
  3. Program Komputer Game Fluida, 2022, EC00202219398
  4. Buku Komik TemperaTour, 2022, EC00202219399
  5. Modul CBT Berbasis Moodle, 2022, EC00202219400
  6. Modul Online Pelatihan Qr-Code Untuk Guru, 2021, EC00202113877
  7. Program Komputer Simulasi Granular Pada Kulit Berpori Secara Vertikal, 2020, EC00202032752
  8. Program Komputer Aplikasi Augmented Reality Berbasis Android Dalam Pembelajaran Fisika Sma Kelas Xi Semester Ganjil, 2020, EC00202018390
  9. Program Komputer Simulasi Granular pada Kulit Berpori, 2019, EC00201973289
  10. Program Komputer Aplikasi Games Yuk Cari Tahu: PLTA, 2019, EC00201973286
  11. Buku Komik Biografi Sir Isaac Newton, 2018, EC00201805485
  12. Buku Komik Efek Fotolistrik: Komik Sejarah Efek Fotolistrik dari 5 Ilmuwan, 2018, EC00201805484

Important publications over the last 5 years

  1. Development and evaluation of granular simulation for integrating computational thinking into computational physics courses, 2022
  2. Bibliometric analysis on online physics learning during COVID19 Pandemic: Contribution to physics education undergraduate program, 2021
  3. The development of moodle based e-learning for newtons’ law in high school physics, 2021
  4. Development of educational adventure game on fluid physics material, 2021
  5. ‘Hallwachs and the negatively charged particles’-the development of education comics, 2021
  6. Markerless augmented reality: Display Compton scattering model, 2021
  7. The effectiveness of breakwater shape: Fluid particle behavior simulation, 2021
  8. The simulation of granular attachment on the porous vertical surfaces, 2021
  9. Radioactive decay model based on augmented reality, 2021
  10. Teaching high school physics using PhET interactive simulation, 2021
  11. The development of online comics to explain the “nuclear reaction” topic, 2021
  12. The development of Android-based physics teaching materials on static fluids, 2021
  13. The implementation of STEM learning on creative-critical thinking styles (study on pre-service physics teacher), 2021
  14. Promoting character education through visualization using environment comic media, 2021
  15. Exploring elasticity concept using augmented reality, 2021
  16. Textbook with augmented reality technology: Improve critical thinking skill in elasticity concept, 2021
  17. Augmented reality application design on geophysical encyclopedia for android smartphones, 2021
  18. ProSim”-Designing projectile motion worksheet to support higher-order thinking skill, 2021
  19. Designing an Android-Based Educational Game for High School Physics, 2021
  20. Physicsmagz” the contextual learning magazine to improve science literacy skills in particle dynamics topic, 2021
  21. The implementation of problem based learning in elasticities concept, 2021
  22. Design of computer based test with moodle platform for high school physics class X, 2021
  23. Animated Video: Fun physics learning, 2021
  24. Development of Beat Frequency Practicum Device Using Arduino UNO and AD9833 Module, 2021
  25. Relationship between information and communication technology literacy and the of english ability with learning outcomes of students of physics education program, fmipa unj, 2021
  26. Explain the “unstable atoms” concept using the radioactive comics as physics media learning, 2021
  27. Augmented reality in poster: Introduce sir Isaac Newton in the study of mechanics, 2021
  28. The validation of nitrite and nitrate analysis methods in bread using p-Aminobenzoic Acid (PABA) via UV-Vis
  29. Spectrophotometry, 2021
  30. Physics learning through video by PowToon, 2021
  31. Educational comics to explore electromagnetic waves through the hertz story to prove the maxwells equation, 2021
  32. The development of 21st century skills and competence in service teacher through TPACK training workshop, 2021
  33. The Development of Guided Inquiry Student Worksheet using Tracker Video Analysis for Kinematics Motion Topics, 2020
  34. “tempera-Tour”: Developing an Alternative Comic as Media Learning for Temperature and Heat Topics Through Traveling Story, 2020
  35. The Design of Physics Learning Video as Joyful-Based Learning Media Enrichment by Powtoon, 2020
  36. Train the computational thinking skill using problem-based learning worksheet for undergraduate physics student in computational physics courses, 2020
  37. The implementation of project-based learning to enhance the technological-content-knowledge for pre-service physics teacher in ICT courses, 2020
  38. Students worksheet with augmented reality media: Scaffolding higher order thinking skills of high school students on uniform accelerated motion topic, 2020
  39. Student worksheet with augmented reality technology: Media to construct higher order thinking skills of high school students in elasticity topic, 2020
  40. QR-Code Assisted Learning Book: Scientific-Based Physical Learning Solution, 2020
  41. Physics Textbook Enriched Augmented Reality: Easy Way to Understand The Physical Concept, 2020
  42. Module Equipped with Augmented Reality Technology: An Easy Way to Understand Concepts and Phenomena of
  43. Quantum, 2020
  44. Student worksheet with ar videos: Physics learning media in laboratory for senior high school students, 2020
  45. The 3D simulation of Lorentz Force based on augmented reality technology, 2019
  46. The I-V characteristics of hydrothermal growth ZnO nanorods, 2019
  47. The development 3-D augmented reality animation on radioactive concept, 2019
  48. The augmented reality application for simulating electromotive force concept, 2019
  49. The 3-D visualization of the granular particle on various diameter porous surfaces, 2019
  50. The 3-D animation of radiation concept using augmented reality technology, 2019
  51. Simulation of ocean waves in coastal areas using the shallowwater equation, 2019
  52. The generator operating system automatically uses a motorized change over switch devices, 2019
  53. The properties of zinc sodium phosphate glass system with the various concentration of chromium oxide doped, 2019
  54. The granular buoyant force in a two-dimensional intruderparticles Bed system, 2019
  55. Integrating augmented reality into worksheets: Unveil learning to support higher-order thinking skills, 2019
  56. Explain the physics concepts with flood phenomena using augmented reality technology, 2019
  57. Practice the higher-order thinking skills in optic topic through physics worksheet equipped with augmented reality, 2019
  58. Video-enriched worksheet based on augmented reality technology: The heat experiment is easier, 2019
  59. The development of ICT-based learning curriculum for preservice physics teacher, 2019
  60. The design of sound wave and optic marker for physics learning based-on augmented reality technology, 2019
  61. Mini photovoltaic system project: Physics laboratory activities through a technology-rich learning environment, 2019
  62. The development of an electricity book based on augmented reality technologies, 2019
  63. Simulation of granular in two dimensions: The effect of particle velocity on rigid wall boundary, 2018
  64. Development of student performance assessment based on scientific approach for a basic physics practicum in simple harmonic motion materials, 2018
  65. Design of multiple representations e-learning resources based on a contextual approach for the basic physics course, 2018
  66. Discovering and understanding the vector field using simulation in android app, 2018

Activities in Professional organizational over the last 5 years

  1. Member of PSI: Physical Society of Indonesia, 2018-now
  2. Member of IPTPI (Ikatan Profesi Teknologi Pendidikan Indonesia), 2015-2020
  3. Member of Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), 2018-2020