Archives: Instructors

Dr. Umiatin

Associate Professor [Scopus] [Sinta] [Google Scholar] Educational Background Bachelor’s degree in Physics, Institut Teknologi Bandung (2001) Master’s degree in Physics, Institut Teknologi Bandung (2005) Doctoral degree in Biomedis Physics, Universitas Indonesia (2019) Academic Career (Employment) Lecturer in Physics, Universitas Negeri Jakarta Sekretaris Jurusan (2009 – 2012) TPJM (2020 – 2022) Research and Development project over […]

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Prof. Dr. Agus Setyo Budi

Professor [Scopus] [Sinta] [Google Scholar] Educational Background Bachelor’s degree from Physics Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta Master’s degree from Physics, Universitas Sains Malaysia Doctoral degree from Materials Physics, Universitas Teknologi Malaysia Research and Development project over the last 5 years Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Inquiry Berbantuan PHET Dan Motivasi Belajar Terhadap Pengetahuan Metakognitif Mahasiswa Fisika (2021) Pengembangan […]

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Prof. Dr. Mangasi A. Marpaung

Professor [Scopus] [Sinta] [Google Scholar] Educational Background Bachelor’s degree (Physics), UGM Yogyakarta Master’s degree (Optoelectronics),University of Indonesia Doctoral degree (Physics), University of Indonesia  Academic Career (Employment) Lecturer, Master of Physics Study Program, Faculty Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Jakarta State University, Jakarta 13220, Indonesia.   Research and Development project over the last 5 years 2021 – Application […]

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Prof. Dr. Erfan Handoko

Professor [Scopus] [Sinta] [Google Scholar] Educational Background Bachelor’s degree in Materials Physics, Universitas Indonesia (1992 – 1997) Master’s degree in Materials Physics, Universitas Indonesia (1997 – 1999) Doctoral degree in Materials Science, Universitas Indonesia (2006 – 2010) Academic Career (Employment) Lecture and researcher at Universitas Negeri Jakata (2003 – now) Kepala Laboratorium Fisika FMIPA UNJ […]

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Prof. Dr. Iwan Sugihartono

Professor [Scopus] [Sinta] [Google Scholar] Educational Background  Bachelor’s degree (Physics), University of Indonesia. Master’s degree (Physics), University of Indonesia. Doctoral degree (Materials Physics), University of Indonesia. Academic Career (Employment)  Lecturer, Master of Physics Study Program, Faculty Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Jakarta State University, Jakarta 13220, Indonesia. Research and Development project over the last 5 years […]

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Dr.rer.nat. Bambang Heru Iswanto

Associate Professor [Scopus] [Sinta] [Google Scholar] Educational Background  Bachelor’s degree (Physics Education), IKIP Jakarta. Master’s degree (Physics), ITB Bandung. Doctoral degree (Artificial Intelligence) – Technische Universitaet Berlin (TU Berlin), Jerman Academic Career (Employment)  Lecturer, Master of Physics Study Program, Faculty Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Jakarta State University, Jakarta 13220, Indonesia. Research and Development 2021 – […]

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Dr. Esmar Budi

Associate Professor [Scopus] [Sinta] [Google Scholar] Educational Background Bachelor’s degree in Physics, Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung Master’s degree in Material Science and Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung. Doctoral degree in Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka. Academic Career (Employment)  Lecturer in Physics and Physics Education Program of FMIPA UNJ (1999-now) Secretary of Physics Department of FMIPA UNJ (2003-2005) […]

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Dr. Anggara Budi Susila

Associate Professor [Scopus] [Sinta] [Google Scholar] Educational Background Bachelor’s degree from Physics Education at IKIP Jakarta (1980 – 1985) Magister’s degree from Physics at Institut Teknologi Bandung (1988 – 1991) Doctoral degree from Materials Physics at Universitas Indonesia (2010 – 2016) Academic Career (Employment) Ketua Program Studi Fisika (2005 – 2009) Wakil Dekan Bidang Kemahasiswaan […]

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