Dr. Mutia Delina

Dr. Mutia Delina

Associate Professor

[Scopus] [Sinta] [Google Scholar]

Educational Background

  1. Bachelor’s degree in Physics, Universitas Negeri Jakarta (2005)
  2. Master’s degree in Physics, Universitas Indonesia (2007)
  3. Doctoral degree in Physics, Groningen University (2014)

Academic Career (Employment)

Physics Lecturer in Universitas Negeri Jakarta (2014 – present)

Research and Development project over the last 5 years 

  1. Simulasi Gerakan Droplet Virus Covid-19 dengan Metode Monte Carlo (2022)
  2. Sisi Sebaran Abu Vulkanis Dengan Metode Puff Lagrangian Studi Kasus Erupsi Gunung Tangkuban Perahu (2020)
  3. Pengukuran Ketinggian Air Dinamik Berbasis Filtering Method (2019)
  4. Pengembangan Sistem Sekuriti Dokumen Berbasis Kriptografi Kuantum Dengan Metode Event By Event (2018)

Industry collaboration/ Community Services over the last 5 year

  1. Curtin University – Enrichment Program for Sekolah Indonesia Luar Negeri (2022)
  2. KBRI Singapore – Enrichment Program for Sekolah Indonesia Luar Negeri (2022)
  3. Implementasi Program Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Penggunaan dan Pengelolaan Laboratorium IPA di
  4. SMA Labschool Cibubur (2021)
  5. Pengembangan Website Dalam Pembelajaran Fisika Di Kelas Untuk Guru Fisika Di SMA Dwiwarna Kabupaten Bogor Provinsi Jawa Barat (2020)
  6. Pemanfaatan Media Roket Air Dalam Pembelajaran Fisika Pokok Bahasan Kinematika Gerak Untuk Guru SMP (2019)

Patents and Intellectual Property Right (IPR)

  1. Program Pengenal Nada Alat Musik Kromong Menggunakan Convolutional Neural Networks, EC00202169712 (2021)
  2. Simulasi Sebaran Abu Vulkanis Gunung Tangkuban Perahu Dengan Metode PUFF Lagrangian, EC00202044420 (2020)

Important publications over the last 5 years

  1. The Simulation of Covid-19 Droplet Transmission with Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Method (2022)
  2. Evaluation of Blended Learning Program Physics of Mechanical Wave Materials Using CSE-UCLA Model (2021)
  3. ICT Literacy for Indonesian Workers in Singapore (2021)
  4. The development of E-learning media to improve students’ science literacy skill in Senior High School (2020)
  5. The Simulation of one-time-pad quantum key distribution (2019)
  6. The simulation of a symmetric quantum key distribution (2018)