Dr. Widyaningrum Indrasari

Dr. Widyaningrum Indrasari

Associate Professor

[Scopus] [Sinta] [Google Scholar]

Educational Background

  1. Bachelor Degree From Physics Departement, Institut Teknologi Bandung (1995 – 1999)
  2. Master Degree From Physics Departement, Institut Teknologi Bandung (2002 -2005)
  3. Doctor Degree From Physics Departement, Institut Teknologi Bandung

Academic Career (Employment) 

  1. Physics Bachelor Coordinator Study Program (2015-2019)
  2. Physics Bachelor Coordinator Study Program (2019-2023)

Research and Development project over the last 5 years 

  1. Improved performance of hybrid solar panels as a renewable energy source using MPPT and network modification DC-DC Converter
  2. Development of Covid-19 Early Prevention Systems in Public Areas and Smart Sensing-based Offices
  3. Development of an Integrated Sensor-Based Earth Quality Measurement Instrumentation System Based on Physical Parameters
  4. Development of a prototype hybrid solar panel equipped with a Fresnel lens concentrator as a solar tracker based on the Horizon coordinate system
  5. Development of a prototype solar panel as an active solar tracker using a horizon and reflector coordinate system
  6. Planning to build an integrated sensor-based measuring instrument to determine the quality of polluted industrial sewage

Industry collaboration/Community Services over the last 5 year

  1. Kelurahan Ciracas Jakarta Timur
  2. MGMP Fisika Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Provinsi Jakarta
  3. CV Wellmagic Media Digital

Patents and Intellectual Property Right (IPR)

  1. Program Komputer Pada Alat Sistem Penyimpan Energi Listrik Panel Surya Menggunakan Maximum Power Point Tracker
  2. Program Komputer Pada Prototipe Panel Surya Hybrid (PV-Teg) Yang Dilengkapi Lensa Fresnel Sebagai Penjejak Matahari Aktif
  3. Program Komputer Pada Alat Praktikum Pengukur Cepat Rambat Bunyi Di Udara
  4. Program Komputer Pada Prototipe Sistem Pengukuran Kualitas Air Tercemar Limbah Mikroplastik Berdasarkan Parameter Fisika
  5. Program Komputer Pada Alat Penyimpan Energi Listrik Panel Surya Menggunakan Mppt Dan Algoritma Hill Climbing Dengan Modifiksi Rangkaian DC-DC Converter
  6. Program Komputer Pada Sistem Penyimpan Energi Listrik Panel Surya Menggunakan Mppt Dan Algoritma Hill Climbing Dengan Penambahan Rangkaian Feedback
  7. Program Komputer Pada Prototipe Sistem Pengukuran Kualitas Tanah Portable Berdasarkan Parameter Fisika
  8. E-Therin (Electronic Weather Indicator) Sebagai Sarana Melaut Bagi Nelayan
  9. Program Komputer Pada Alat Uji Kualitas Tanah Berdasarkan Parameter Suhu,Kelembaban, Ph, Salinitas, Dan Medan Magnet
  10. Program Komputer Pada Alat Pengukur Viskositas Air Sungai Tercemar Limbah Air

Important publications over the last 5 years

  1. Early Warning System of Flood Disaster Based on Ultrasonic Sensors and Wireless Technology
  2. Active Solar Tracker Based on The Horizon Coordinate System
  3. Development of static solar panel equipped by an active reflector based on LDR sensors
  4. Characterization of hybrid solar panel prototype using PV-TEG module
  5. Measurement of water polluted quality based on turbidity, pH, magnetic property, and dissolved solid
  6. The Active Hybrid Solar Panel integrated with Fresnel Lens Concentrator
  7. DC-DC Buck Converter Circuit Simulation on Solar Panel Electricity Storage System
  8. Development of a temperature detector and room capacity system to mitigate the spread of COVID-19
  9. Measurement system development of refractive index, salinity and magnetic field parameters on liquid waste polluted water
  10. Development a practicum tools to measure the speed of the air using Arduino Uno Microcontroller
  11. Characterization of integrated sensor in physical soil parameter measurement device
  12. Microplastic waste polluted water measurement development based on parameter of physics
  13. Prototype of water level monitoring system using magnetic sensor and ultrasonic based on Arduino Mega 2560
  14. Circuit Simulation of The DC-DC Converter With Variation of PWM Load in Solar Panel Electrical Energy Storage

Activities in Professional organizational over the last 5 years

Physical Society of Indonesia