113th Semester Physics Student Yudicium

113th Semester Physics Student Yudicium

On Friday, 26 February 2021, UNJ’s Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) held a student graduation event for all FMIPA study programs. Considering the Covid-19 pandemic that has not yet subsided, this graduation event is being held online via zoom media. The event was officially opened by the Dean of FMIPA Dr. Adisyahputra, M. S., then continued with remarks by the study program heads.

For the physics study program itself, there are 25 students participating in this graduation. This Yudisium is the first step towards the graduation procession which will be held a month later. At this yudisium, each study program is allocated time to meet prospective graduates. At this meeting, several physics lecturers congratulated the prospective graduates on graduation. In addition, the head of the physics study program, Dr. Widyaningrum Indrasari also reminded him to always maintain communication after this.

Once again, congratulations to the prospective physics graduates, good luck for the future in the next life.