Teaching Practitioners for the 4th Batch: Renewable Energy Collaboration Class

During the period from April to May 2024, the Physics Study Program at the State University of Jakarta (UNJ) had the valuable opportunity to host two teaching practitioners for the Renewable Energy course, led by course coordinators Dr. Hadi Nasbey and Syafrima Wahyu, M.Si. The two practitioners were Haris Munandar Siagian, ST., M.Si. from INPEX Geothermal and Zakariya Arif Fikriyadi, ST from the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), specializing in solar energy. Their presence provided invaluable practical insights for the students, bridging the gap between classroom theory and real-world applications in the energy industry.

The course was conducted in three different formats: offline, online, and hybrid. This approach was chosen to ensure flexibility and accessibility for all students. Offline classes allowed for direct interaction between students and lecturers, while online and hybrid classes offered solutions for students who might face challenges in attending physically.

In this course, students not only gained theoretical knowledge about renewable energy but also received direct insights from practitioners actively involved in the development and implementation of energy technologies. This represents a significant step in UNJ’s ongoing efforts to enhance the quality of education by involving practitioners with firsthand field experience.

The presence of Haris Munandar Siagian, ST., M.Si., and Zakariya Arif Fikriyadi, ST. as teaching practitioners not only enriched the course content but also inspired students to delve deeper and pursue careers in the renewable energy sector. Through the various learning formats offered, students could choose the method that best suited their needs and circumstances, ensuring that the learning process was both effective and efficient. Thus, the collaboration between academics and practitioners is expected to have a significant positive impact on the development of students’ knowledge and skills in the field of renewable energy, particularly geothermal and solar energy.

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