Modern Physics Workshop

Modern Physics Workshop

Modern Physics is a compulsory subject for the Bachelor of Physics and Physics Education Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Jakarta State University which underlies advanced physics courses such as quantum mechanics and solid state physics. The contents of this course cover the results of classical physics at the end of 1900, the theory of special relativity, particle-wave properties, atomic modeling and introduction to quantum mechanics in the form of the Schroedinger equation which is applied to the application of the Hydrogen atomic model and spectroscopy of atoms, many-electron atoms, molecules , radioactivity, and its use. Lessons outside the PT study program and or learning outside the PT. In order to provide an understanding of the material being taught, this course is complemented by a Modern Physics practicum. For semester 117 the Modern Physics practicum activities will be carried out offline at the 10th Floor GHA Modern Physics Laboratory.

Name of activity: Workshop on Using Modern Physics Practicum Tools for Lecturers, Plp, and Laboratory Assistants for Physics Study Program, and Physics Education, FMIPA, Jakarta State University.

Objective :

  1. Improving mastery of the use of Modern Physics Practicum tools for Lecturers, PLP, and Laboratory Assistants
  2. Preparing the Modern Physics practicum module for semester 117 lectures


The activity was carried out at Campus A UNJ Hasjim Asjarie Building Modern Physics Laboratory on 18-22 July 2022.

Keynote: Andri Fitriyadi, S.Si


Workshop participants consisted of lecturers in Modern Physics, PLP, and Laboratory Assistants in the Physics Study Program, and Physics Education Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Jakarta State University