SNF (National Physics Seminar) 2022: “Innovations and Challenges in Physics for Stronger Recovery”

SNF (National Physics Seminar) 2022: “Innovations and Challenges in Physics for Stronger Recovery”

Jakarta State University’s physics study and physics education program again held the 11th National Physics Seminar on June 25 2022 online using the Zoom application. This is because the spread of the Covid-19 virus is still ongoing in Jakarta and its surroundings. As in previous years, SNF continues to collaborate with the Jakarta and Banten branches of the Physical Society of Indonesia (PSI). This year, the number of registered seminar participants is 212 participants from various universities.

This year’s SNF has the theme “Innovations and Challenges in Physics for Stronger Recovery”. The seminar began by presenting several remarks, namely from the chairman of SNF-2022 Dr. Firmanul Catur Wibowo, Dean of FMIPA UNJ Prof. Dr. Muktiningsih, and Chairperson of the Jakarta and Banten branches of PSI Prof. Dr. Agus Setyo Budi, which was then officially opened by Vice Chancellor I UNJ Prof. Dr. Suyono online. The SNF event itself was moderated by a 2019 physics student, Amira Zahra Azhari. To fill in the change of events, the SNF committee presented some light entertainment, either in the form of dances or songs performed by UNJ physics students.

The first panel session was presented by Prof. Dr. Taufik from California Polytechnic State University, United States of America, moderated by Riser Fahdiran, M.Sc. from the UNJ Physics Study Program. This session takes place at 09.00-10.00. In his presentation, Prof. Taufik explained that his research is in the form of investigating the problem of loss of AC voltage in electrical circuits. This aims to produce the maximum voltage that can be utilized in industry or households. This event was followed by a question and answer session related to the presentation that had been presented.

The second panel session was presented by Dr. Muhammad Abd Hadi Bin Bunyamin from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia, moderated by Lari Andres Sanjaya, M.Pd. from the UNJ Physics Education study program. This session takes place at 10.00-11.00. At the seminar this time he conveyed his ideas regarding the concept of equations in learning physics. It is important to balance the physics learning process between teachers and students. This event was followed by a question and answer session related to the presentation that had been presented.

The third panel session was given by Prof. Dr. Mangasi Alion Marpaung moderated by Dr. Anggara Budi Susila, a physics lecturer at UNJ. This session takes place at 11.00 -12.00. He explained the importance of laser spectroscopy applications. Lasers are a nonlinear phenomenon with a lifetime of 10-50 microseconds. One of the applications of laser spectroscopy in the industrial field is to determine the elemental content of materials. It is very important to know the potential of a material in the field of technology.

After finishing the first panel session, the event was continued with a parallel session for each participant which started at 01.00 p.m. This session divides 12 parallel sessions which are moderated by a physics lecturer/physics education staff assisted by a student as an operator. In this session, each participant presented their research results online via Zoom media within 5 minutes. Then, a question and answer session was held for 5 minutes. In addition, the moderator also gives value and announces the best presenter in each room. This parallel session ended around 04.00 p.m

The papers presented will be published in one of the following publications Journal of Physics:

  1. Conference Series (scopus indexed)
  2. Jakarta State University SPEKTRA (Sinta 3)
  3. SNF National Proceedings (Google Scholar indexed)

In addition, this is the third year that SNF articles will be published in reputable international proceedings (scopus indexed) by the Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)

Documentation can be seen on the website :