Physics Study Program Pass ‘EXCELLENT’ LAMSAMA Accreditation for the 2023-2028 Period

Physics Study Program Pass ‘EXCELLENT’ LAMSAMA Accreditation for the 2023-2028 Period

After going through the long and tiring journey and process of accreditation of the Physics Study Program, now is the time to accept the results of the decision of the accreditation assessor team for the Independent Accreditation Institute for Natural Sciences and Formal Sciences (LAMSAMA) through the results of the Physics Study Program field assessment on May 11-12 2023. Based on the results of the LAMSAMA decision as stated in the decree no. 032/SK/LAMSAMA/Akred/S/V/2023 regarding the accreditation rating of the Physics Study Program in the Jakarta State University undergraduate program, the Physics Study Program received Accreditation status with Excellent status which was valid from 19 May 2023 – 19 May 2028.

By assigning the Superior ranking, the Physics Study Program managed to maintain the best title five years ago. This result is inseparable from the collaboration of the accreditation team which is supported by a team of Physics lecturers, the MIPA GPjM, and the MIPA dean’s team. Through this accreditation status, it is hoped that the Physics Study Program can improve service quality and continue to make improvements. We all hope that the Physics Study Program will be able to maintain this status for the next 5 years. Congratulations to the Physics Study Program for the Excellent ranking, hopefully it will bring benefits to the large family of physics and society in general.