LAMSAMA Accreditation Field Assessment for Physics Study Program 2023

LAMSAMA Accreditation Field Assessment for Physics Study Program 2023

Due to the expiry of the UNJ Physics Study Program accreditation in May 2023, the Physics Study Program is re-applying for Study Program accreditation through the Independent Accreditation Institute for Natural Sciences and Formal Sciences (LAMSAMA). This LAMSAMA accreditation is the first independent accreditation carried out as a substitute for DIKTI accreditation which was officially removed by KEMENDIKBUD. The field assessment was held on 11-12 May 2023 which took place at the 6th floor of the K. H. Hasjim Asja’rie Building. Meanwhile, the team of field assessors sent by LAMSAMA was

    1. Prof. Dr. Heru Kuswanto, M.Si (UNY)

    1. Prof. Dr. Eng. Budi Purnama, M.Si (UNS)

On the first day, Thursday 11 May 2023, before the field assessment began, the assessor team was hosted by the Rector’s team, the Dean’s team, and the UNJ Physics Study Program team. After that, the assessment was officially opened in Meeting Room 2, K. H. Hasjim Asja’rie Building, 6th floor, which began with an introduction to the panel of assessors, then continued with the reading and signing of the Field Assessment Statement. After that, the Dean of FMIPA UNJ, Prof. Muktiningsih, M.Si, who explained the outlines of academic activities at FMIPA UNJ. The event then continued with discussions with the leadership of UPPS, UPT, and the UNJ FMIPA GPjM team. During this discussion, the assessor team asked for some clarifications from several of the Self-Evaluation Sheet (LED) documents that were presented. Through this clarification, the assessor team asked for several improvements as assessment material. This discussion event took place from 08.30 to 10.30.

The next discussion took place from 10.30 to 12.00, namely confirming the Study Program Performance Report Table Data (LKPS) that had been compiled by the Physics Study Program accreditation team. This discussion involved the dean’s team and the Physics Study Program accreditation team. As in the previous LED document discussion, the LKPS data discussion also received many inputs for improvement considering that a lot of data needed to be clarified with related documents. This discussion was continued after Ishoma (12.00-13.00), which was still listening to the findings of the assessor team on the presented LKPS. This discussion ended at 14.00 with several important notes from the assessor team which contained improvements that had to be made.

At 02.00-03.00 p.m the discussion continued with alumni and external users. In this discussion the assessor team asked for confirmation regarding the involvement, expectations, satisfaction and input from external stakeholders regarding the outcomes of the Higher Education. This discussion involved several graduates and alumni of the UNJ Physics Study Program who had previously been invited and confirmed their presence. After that, the discussion continued with education staff (Tendik) which was attended by all Tendik in FMIPA UNJ at 03.00-03.30 p.m. In this session, the assessor team asked for several service confirmations from the Tendik FMIPA. The next session was a discussion between the assessor team and the Physics Study Program lecturer in addition to the accreditation team at 03.30-04.30 p.m. In this session, the assessor team asked for confirmation of the performance, involvement, service, and satisfaction of the lecturers in the Physics Study Program. The last discussion session on the first day was a discussion by the assessor team with several Physics Study Program students who had been invited to take part in this discussion at 04.30-05.00 p.m. In this session, the assessor team asked for confirmation of student involvement, service, and satisfaction in the Physics Study Program.

The second day of the field assessment, Friday 12 May 2023, began with a field visit, including checking facilities (laboratories, Scientific Information Services, information system managers), Checking facilities (laboratories, Scientific Information Services, information system managers), Checking public facilities, SMEs, and other supporting facilities. This session takes place from 08.00-09.30. After that, the assessors carried out independent work which included preparing draft minutes and recommendations for accreditation. It was in this session that the accreditation team prepared all the supporting documents requested by the assessor team to clarify the LED and LKPS documents. This session takes place from 09.30 a.m-16.00 p.m.

The field assessment program officially closed on Friday 12 May 2023 at 16.00. Prior to closing, the assessor team submitted input as improvements for accreditation preparation for the next 5 years, including:


    1. Analysis of the success rate of achieving the vision and mission should use achievements in IKU (SN-DIKTI) supported by adequate data related to graduate profiles study program

    1. It is necessary to evaluate the learning achievements of each graduate student student/class for measuring CPL achievement desired by the study program.

    1. Evaluation of appropriateness of research and community service with a road map research to see the achievement according to the standards set.

    1. Optimizing the use of information systems to support databases and presentation data/presentation for decision making in the quality assurance system.


Empowerment of Quality Assurance Units at the Faculty level for improvement the quality of learning in general at the Faculty level and in particular at the level Study Program After the official closing of the field assessment activities, a team of physics lecturers and a team of assessors held a social gathering through eating together at a restaurant in Jakarta. Through this assessment activity, we all hope that the Physics Study Program will get maximum results. The results of the assessment will be announced in the coming weeks.