Call for Abstract International Physics Seminar (IPS) 2023 – Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Call for Abstract International Physics Seminar (IPS) 2023 – Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Dear Mr and Mrs Colleagues,

We, the International Physics Seminar (IPS) 2023 Committee, Jakarta State University (UNJ) invite you to participate in “The 12th International Physics Seminar (IPS 2023)”. This activity was supported by the Jakarta-Banten Branch of the Indonesian Physics Association (HFI). This year’s seminar with the theme “The Diversity of Physics Research and Development for Stronger Recovery” will be held on:

🕰️ Day/Date : Saturday/24 June 2023

Time: 07.30 a.m – Finish

Venue : Hybrid conference

📌 There are also fields of study in this seminar including:

1. Material Physics
2. Instrumentation and Computational Physics
3. Medical Physics & Biophysics
4. Earth Physics and Space Science
5. Theory, Nuclear, and Particle Physics
6. Energy and Environmental Physics
7. Physics Education

*and other fields that are still relevant to physics.


It is our hope that you will participate as speakers in this seminar. For further information regarding the registration, submission and review processes, you can see our website at Thus we convey this notice and invitation. For your attention, we thank you.

Best regards,

IPS 2023 Committee for Physics Study Program & Physics Education Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science-State University of Jakarta