Physics Study Program Public Lecture in 2022: The Role of Physics Alumni in Technology Research and Development in Research Institutes and the Industrial World

Physics Study Program Public Lecture in 2022: The Role of Physics Alumni in Technology Research and Development in Research Institutes and the Industrial World

In order to provide scientific insights for students, the Physics Study Program at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Jakarta State University will hold an Odd Semester Public Lecture for the 2022/2023 academic year. This activity will be carried out on:

Day/Date : Friday, November 25, 2022

Hours       : 07.30 – 11.30 WIB

Place        :  Bung Hatta Hall, Muh. Hatta Building 2nd Floor, Campus A UNJ.

Keynote :  

1. Puji Suharmanto, S.Sc., M.T. (PT. Telkom Indonesia)

2. Yusuf Giri Wijaya, S.Si. (Aviation Technology Research Center, National Research and Innovation Agency)

Theme     : The Role of Physics Alumni in Technology Research and Development in Research Institutes and the Industrial World.

The event was officially opened by Deputy Dean , Dr, Esmar Budi, then continued with the presentation of material by the two sources above. The event was closed with a group photo and hospitality.