Dr. Teguh Budi Prayitno

Dr. Teguh Budi Prayitno

Associate Professor

[Scopus] [Sinta] [Google Scholar]

Educational Background

  1. Bachelor’s Degree in Physics, Institut Teknologi Bandung (2005)
  2. Magister’s Degree in Physics, Institut Teknologi Bandung (2007)
  3. Doctoral Degree in Physics, Kanazawa University (2018)

Academic Career (Employment)

Lecturer, reviewer

Research and Development project over the last 5 years 

  1. 2017-ongoing: Spin spiral and its application
  2. 2019-2020: Bose-Einstein condensation
  3. 2021-ongoing: Thermoelectric materials

Industry collaboration/ Community Services over the last 5 year

  1. 2018-2019: Kanazawa University
  2. 2022-ongoing: National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)

Patents and Intellectual Property Right (IPR)

  1. 2018: Code for spin spiral calculation
  2. 2019: Code for producing probability amplitude of harmonic oscillator using Mathematica
  3. 2020: Code for arranging magnetic moment on certain orbitals
  4. 2021: Code for producing phase portrait of relativistic particle under harmonic oscillator potential
  5. 2021: Code for producing phase portrait of relativistic particle under anharmonic oscillator potential for 3rd order
  6. 2021: Code for producing phase portrait of relativistic particle under anharmonic oscillator potential for 4th order

Important publications over the last 5 years

  1. B. Prayitno and F. Ishii, Implementation of generalized bloch theorem using linear combination of pseudo-atomic orbitals, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 87 (2018) 114709
  2. B. Prayitno and F. Ishii, First-principles Study of Spiral Spin Density Waves in Monolayer MnCl2 Using Generalized Bloch Theorem, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 88 (2019) 104705
  3. B. Prayitno and F. Ishii, Carrier-induced antisymmetric–symmetric tendencies of spin stiffness in zigzag graphene nanoribbons, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 31 (2019) 365801
  4. B. Prayitno and F. Ishii, First-principles Study of Spin-wave Excitations of 3d Transition Metals with Linear Combination of Pseudo-atomic Orbitals, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 88 (2019) 054701
  5. B. Prayitno and E. Budi, Applied electric field on zigzag graphene nanoribbons: reduction of spin stiffness and appearance of spiral spin density waves, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 32 (2019) 105802
  6. B. Prayitno, Electric-field-induced spin spiral state in bilayer zigzag graphene nanoribbons, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 33 (2020) 065805
  7. B. Prayitno, Carrier-induced phase transition in metal dichlorides XCl2 (X: Fe, Co, and Ni), Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 517 (2020) 167386
  8. B. Prayitno, Spin stiffness of bilayer zigzag graphene nanoribbon for several configurations, Physica E 118 (2020), 113916
  9. B. Prayitno, Controlling phase transition in monolayer metal diiodides XI2 (X: Fe, Co, and Ni) by carrier doping, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 33 (2021) 335803
  10. B. Prayitno, Impossibility of increasing Néel temperature in zigzag graphene nanoribbon by electric field and carrier doping, Physica E 129 (2021), 114641
  11. T. B. Prayitno, Tuning the magnetic states in AA-stacked bilayer zigzag graphene nanoribbons Communications in Science and Technology 7 (2022), 73