Dr. Esmar Budi

Dr. Esmar Budi

Associate Professor

[Scopus] [Sinta] [Google Scholar]

Educational Background

  1. Bachelor’s degree in Physics, Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung
  2. Master’s degree in Material Science and Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung.
  3. Doctoral degree in Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka.

Academic Career (Employment) 

  1. Lecturer in Physics and Physics Education Program of FMIPA UNJ (1999-now)
  2. Secretary of Physics Department of FMIPA UNJ (2003-2005)
  3. Head of Physics Program of FMIPA UNJ (2011-2015)
  4. Head of Physics Education of Program of FMIPA UNJ (2015-2019)
  5. Head of Physics Education Program of FMIPA UNJ (2019-2021)
  6. Vice Dean of Academic Affair of FMIPA UNJ (2021-now)

Research and Development project over the last 5 years 

  1. Struktur Mikro Lapisan Komposit Elektrodeposisi Nikel-/Nitrida, PTF, BLU FMIPA UNJ 2022.
  2. Struktur Kristal dan sifat mekanik lapisan komposit elektrodeposisi nikel-/nitride, PTF, BLU FMIPA UNJ 2021.
  3. Lapisan komposit elektrodeposisi nikel-/nitride sebagai material pelapis pintar dan fungsional pelindung aus dan korosi, PTUPT, Dikti, 2019-2021.
  4. Tribologi lapisan elektrodeposisi komposit nikel-/nitrida pada proses pemotongan baja Perkakas, PTF, BLU FMIPA UNJ 2020.
  5. Kajian pengaruh suhu elektrodeposisi pada pembentukan lapisan komposit pintar nikel-/nitride, PTUPT, Dikti 2019.
  6. Fabrikasi lapisan tipis super keras komposit Ni-TiAlN/Si3N4 menggunakan kaidah elektrodeposisi sebagai pengganti material keras intan, PTUPT, Dikti 2017-2018.

Industry collaboration/ Community Services over the last 5 year

  1. Pembelajaran Fisika Berbasis Laboratorium di Satuan Pendidikan Wilayah Jakarta Timur, PKM-KDUPIP, BLU FMIPA UNJ 2022.
  2. Analisis Osilasi Harmonis melalui Percobaan dan Simulasi untuk Pembelajaran Fisika Jarak Jauh, PKM-KDUPIP, BLU FMIPA UNJ 2021.
  3. Kajian Sifat Elastisitas Bahan Melalui Percobaan Laboratorium Hukum Hooke, PKM-Kemitraan Masyarakat, 2020.
  4. Kajian induksi elektromagnetik melalui percobaan laboratorium untuk pembelajaran fisika, PKM-Kemitraan Masyarakat, 2019.
  5. Kajian Mekanika, Listrik dan MagnetMelalui Percobaan Laboratorium untuk Pembelajaran  Fisika, PKM Kemitraan Masyarakat, BLU FMIPA UNJ 2018.

Patents and Intellectual Property Right (IPR)

  1. Video pengujian Drill Tungsten Karbida Pada Pengeboran Baja Perkakas, HKI 2022 (EC00202240047)
  2. Video Pembelajaran Analisis Osilasi Harmonis Melalui Percobaan dan Simulasi untuk Pembelajaran Fisika Jarak jauh, HKI 2022 (EC00202242512).
  3. Video Pembelajaran Kajian Gerak osilasi Harmonis Sederhana Melalui Percobaan Laboratorium Fisika, HKI 2022 (EC00202240048).
  4. Perhitungan pengaruh variasi tegangan substrat terhadap fraksi komposisi lapisan dan laju deposisi percikan magnetron TiAlN pada perubahan laju alir gas nitrogen, HKI 2020 (EC00202016859).
  5. Buku: Fisika Modern Teori dan Aplikasinya, HKI 2019 (EC00201932488).
  6. Buku: Elektrodeposisi Lapisan Komposit Nikel-/Nitrida, HKI 2019 (EC00201951004)
  7. Buku: Gelombang, HKI 2018 (EC00201824949).
  8. Sistem Potensiostat berbasis ATMega328p dalam Sistem Minimum Arduino Uno untuk proses elektrodeposisi lapisan tipis komposit nikel-/nitride. HKI 2017 (EC00201704746).

Important publications over the last 5 years

  1. Mechanical and Tribology Properties of Electrodeposited NiTiN/Si3N4 Composite
  2. Materials Science Forum 1057 (2022) 218-226.
  3. Preliminary Study on High-Temperature Oxidation of Ni-AlNTiN/Si3N4 Electrodeposition Composite Coatings. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2019 (1) (2021) 012067.
  4. Effect of elevated temperature on Ni-TiN-AlN/Si3N4 composite coatings in electrodeposition process. AIP Conference Proceedings 2331 (1), 030033.
  5. Effect of elevated temperature on composition and morphology of NiTiN/Si3N4 composite
  6. AIP Conference Proceedings 2320 (1), 030005.
  7. High temperature oxidation resistance of nickel-/nitride composite coatings: A brief review. AIP Conference Proceedings 2320 (1) (2021) 030007.
  8. Electrodeposition of Ni-Nitride composite coatings: A review of recent study IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1098 (6) (2021) 062053.
  9. Electrodepositing Ni-TiN/Si3N4 Composite Layer with Variation of Current Density Key Engineering Materials 860 (2020) 320-326.
  10. Effect of Temperature on Electrodeposited Nickel Nitride Composite Coatings. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1428 (2020) 012015.

Activities in Professional organizational over the last 5 years

  1. Member of Asosiasi MIPA LPTK Indonesia, 2014-now.
  2. Member of Semirata BKS-PTN Barat, 2003-now.
  3. Member of MIPA-net, 2014-now.