Judiciary of Physics Undergraduate Program Semester 112 Academic Year 2019/2020 August 2020

Judiciary of Physics Undergraduate Program Semester 112 Academic Year 2019/2020 August 2020

Feelings of joy, sadness, fear, and happiness may be experienced by graduates who have been approved as undergraduates within the FMIPA environment at Universitas Negeri Jakarta, especially for graduates in the physics study program. On Thursday 27 August 2020, a judiciary for undergraduate and postgraduate programs was held at FMIPA Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Unlike previous years, this time the judiciary was carried out online via Zoom considering that the Covid-19 pandemic has not yet subsided.

The number of graduates is very small compared to previous graduations. In this judiciary, the physics study program only graduated 4 students, namely

  1. Adamul Istikanah : 3225160478
  2. Ernanda Destriati : 3225162090
  3. Hilman Rizky Yudhaperwira : 3225153624
  4. Alma : 3225160009