PKKMB Physics FMIPA UNJ 2020 during the COVID-19 Pandemic

PKKMB Physics FMIPA UNJ 2020 during the COVID-19 Pandemic

If in previous years the Universitas Negeri Jakarta New Student Campus Get to Know Program was held lively and simultaneously for all faculties, the 2020 PKKMB had to be held online via the Zoom application and held by each study program due to the Covid-19 pandemic which has not yet subsided. On Thursday 17 September 2020, the physics study program held an online PKKMB via the Zoom application to provide an introduction to the Universitas Negeri Jakarta physics study program to new students.

The PKKMB physics study program event started at 08.00 together with the PKKMB physics education study program. The event was opened by the student MC, Abyan Syah, who explained the outline of the PKKMB event. Then, Dr. Esmar Budi as coordinator of the physics education program, and Dr. Widyaningrum Indrasari as the coordinator of the physics study program gave several remarks. After that, the event continued with a short presentation regarding the physics study program and physics education by Dr. Anggoro Budi Susilo. This presentation covers the organizational structure at FMIPA, the names of lecturers and their expertise, and several activities in the physics and physics education study program.

At 10.00, PKKMB was separated into two parallel sessions, namely a session for the physics study program and a session for the physics education study program. For the physics study program itself, the PKKMB event was hosted by Dr. Widyaningrum Indrasari as the physics coordinator. On this occasion, the physics study program coordinator explained several activities in the physics study program and the achievements obtained in recent years. Apart from that, he also explained about the laboratories and areas of expertise of the lecturers in the physics study program. Several questions were asked by several new students regarding areas of expertise or employment which were then answered by several lecturers concerned, such as Dr. Iwan Sugihartono and Riser Fahdiran, M.Sc.

The event continued with alumni sharing moderated by Dr. Mutia Delina. On this occasion the physics study program invited several alumni, namely Fajar Fiqri, Trengginas Eka Putra, Nur Salma Yusuf, and Tedy Harsanto. These alumni explained the ins and outs of looking for work and gave several tips on how to get a suitable job. This is because there are very few job opportunities related to the specific field of physics. Several questions were asked by new students to dig deeper into tips and tricks in determining areas of expertise and related employment opportunities.

The final event was a presentation by the student committee regarding student activities. One of the leading activities in physics is the Art of Physics (AOP). The scope of this activity includes dance and music which will later be performed at major events, such as national and international seminars at Universitas Negeri Jakarta. This activity was quite successful and succeeded in making Universitas Negeri Jakarta physics a big name as the only study program at FMIPA that has this superior activity.