‘Work From Home’ at Lingkungan Universitas Negeri Jakarta 2020

‘Work From Home’ at Lingkungan Universitas Negeri Jakarta 2020

Since the COVID-19 virus was discovered in Wuhan, PRC, for the first time in December 2019, the spread of this virus has become a pandemic that has hit almost all countries, including Indonesia. In Indonesia itself, this virus was first identified in February 2020 and has begun to spread massively to this day throughout all regions in Indonesia. According to data, Jakarta as the center of the capital is the epicenter of the spread of this virus. Based on central government instructions, ‘work from home’ (WFH) is recommended, which means all work activities are carried out at home in order to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus.

With these instructions, the Chancellor of Universitas Negeri Jakarta issued a letter of instruction number: 8/UN39/HK.05/2020 which instructed the entire Universitas Negeri Jakarta academic community that starting Monday 23 March 2020 to

1. All Universitas Negeri Jakarta students carry out learning from their homes, without exception.

2. All lecturers work from home, including the Study Program Coordinator, without exception.

3. All Education Staff including Sub-Division Heads work from home, without exception.

4. Implementation of academic activities, especially lectures, final assignment guidance, seminars/exams of various types and academic consultations are carried out online, without exception.

5. Ensure that Distance Learning (PJJ) is carried out by lecturers using various platforms that are easy, cheap, and do not burden students.

6. Certain services that are urgent and require work to be completed on campus can still be carried out by minimizing staff presence on campus.

7. Ensure campus security, order, and cleanliness conditions in each unit and the campus environment as a whole by paying attention to security work standards and health protocols.

8. Ensure that the Universitas Negeri Jakarta IT system functions optimally to serve online learning and carry out office tasks online.

9. Ensure that hotspots/wifi in the campus environment are temporarily not used to avoid the arrival or gathering of students in the campus environment, except for office services.

10. University leaders and work unit leaders, including department heads, carry out work coordination and monitoring online wherever possible and minimize presence on campus.

Based on the instructions above, the Universitas Negeri Jakarta physics and physics education study program is implementing a distance lecture system using several online media such as WhatsApp, Zoom, Google Classroom, and so on. This distance lecture activity will continue to be carried out until further instructions are given if the situation is conducive to conducting lectures. as usual. We just pray that the WFH instructions will slow the spread of the Covid-19 virus and stabilize the lecture situation again.