Curriculum Workshop: Implementation of the Independent Learning Campus

Curriculum Workshop: Implementation of the Independent Learning Campus

In connection with the creation of the concept of an independent learning campus by the Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim, the physics and physics education study programs jointly held an independent learning campus curriculum workshop on Monday 26 October 2020 online via Zoom media guided by Dr. Mutia Delina. The workshop was officially opened by the Dean of FMIPA Dr. Adisyahputra. Apart from that, the explanation presented by the resource person was moderated by Riser Fahdiran, M.Sc. The resource person who presented the independent learning campus curriculum this time was Prof. Dr. Eng. Mitra Jamal, professor at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in the field of instrumentation physics. In his presentation, he introduced forms of learning activities in accordance with the concept of an independent campus.

The background to the concept of an independent learning campus is Minister of Education and Culture Regulation no. 3 of 2020 which gives students the right to study outside the study program for 3 semesters in order to prepare students to face social, cultural changes, the world of work and rapid technological advances. There are two main objectives of this independent learning campus concept. The first goal is to enrich and improve students’ insight and competence in the real world, in accordance with their passion and ideals. Then, the second goal is to encourage students to master various knowledge that is useful for entering the world of work.

The implementation of the independent learning campus curriculum is to allow students to take 20 credits of courses in 1 semester outside the study program at the same higher education institution (PT). Apart from that, students are also allowed to take a maximum of 20 credits in 2 semesters in the same study program but different PTs, in different study programs and different PTs, or study outside the PT. In general, independent learning campus lectures have 8 forms, namely student exchange, internship, teaching assistance, research, humanitarian projects, entrepreneurship, independent projects, and thematic work courses.

In the independent learning campus curriculum, the number of course credits that must be fulfilled is still 144 credits, but is divided into two broad lines, namely 104 credits of mandatory courses and 40 credits of elective courses. Compulsory courses are divided into 84 credits of courses within the study program and 20 credits of courses outside the study program at the same PT. Meanwhile, the 40 credits of elective courses are divided into study program expertise courses and independent campus activities. There is also a mandatory requirement for students who will follow the independent learning curriculum that the student concerned comes from a PT that is accredited by BAN PT and registered with PDDikti.

What may be homework for the study program is to determine the mechanism for adjusting credits and the types of courses taken outside the HEI or activities outside teaching and learning. It is hoped that this compulsory education curriculum can be implemented in the next few years and awaits the readiness of all elements involved.