Curriculum Workshop: Implementation of the Independent Learning Campus Part Two

Curriculum Workshop: Implementation of the Independent Learning Campus Part Two

As an effort to realize the implementation of the independent learning campus, the Universitas Negeri Jakarta physics and physics education study programs again held the second part of the independent learning campus curriculum workshop online on Monday 2 November 2020 via Zoom media guided by Dr. Esmar Budi. This workshop is a continuation of last week’s workshop and was also officially opened by the Dean of FMIPA Dr. Adisyahputra. Apart from that, the explanation presented by the resource person was moderated by Dr. Esmar Budi. The resource person who presented the implementation of the independent learning campus this time was Dr. Lia Yuliati, a representative from the Center for Curriculum and Education Development (P2KP) LP3 State University of Malang (UM). In his presentation, he presented the form of implementing an independent campus at the University of Malang.

The implementation of the independent learning campus curriculum on the UM campus generally follows the flow of taking courses as explained in last week’s workshop. If we review it again, the implementation of campus learning at UM allows students to take 20 credits of courses in 1 semester outside the study program at the same higher education institution (PT). Apart from that, students are also allowed to take a maximum of 20 credits in 2 semesters in the same study program but different PTs, in different study programs and different PTs, or study outside the PT. In general, independent learning campus lectures have 8 forms, namely student exchange, internship, teaching assistance, research, humanitarian projects, entrepreneurship, independent projects, and thematic work courses.

However, UM added several new policies related to the independent learning campus curriculum, namely

  1. Building paradigm reforms and educational approaches, as well as learning at UM.
  2. Carry out massive curriculum changes at the study program level for all levels (D3, S1, S2, and S3).
  3. Establish policies in the form of rector’s regulations to support curriculum changes and their implementation.
  4. Facilitating supporting facilities for curriculum implementation that is integrated with Siakad in the form of Sipejar.

On the other hand, there are three main approaches implemented by UM to support the independent learning campus curriculum, namely

  1. The capability approach is an approach in curriculum development.
  2. Transdisciplinary approach as an approach to curriculum management.
  3. Life-based learning approach as an approach to learning and learning.

For example, the independent learning package in the form of student exchange implemented by UM takes three forms, namely

  1. Full mode student exchange model, namely students take 20 credits of courses in one semester at universities outside UM.
  2. The student exchange model is a combination mode, that is, students are allowed to take 12-14 credits of courses outside UM, while the remaining courses are taken within UM.
  3. The total of these courses is 20 credits. The student exchange model is in tiered mode, namely that students are allowed to take 4 credits of courses outside UM, while the remaining courses are taken within UM. The total of these courses is 10 credits.

These presentations will later be used by the Universitas Negeri Jakarta physics and physics education study program to determine the direction of the independent learning curriculum which will be implemented in the next few years.