Physics Study Program Public Lecture: Physics and Future Technology

Physics Study Program Public Lecture: Physics and Future Technology

Regarding the coming industrial revolution 4.0, the Universitas Negeri Jakarta physics study program held a public lecture with the theme ‘Future Physics and Technology’. The main aim of this event is to provide motivation to students, especially new students, to answer the challenges of the industrial revolution 4.0. This event was held on Wednesday 4 November 2020 online via zoom media. On this occasion, the physics study program invited two speakers, namely Ronny Sutarto, Ph.D., and Jevita Andini Juliana, S.Si, M.M.

This public lecture is a routine activity held by the physics study program at the start of each new semester. This event was hosted by Dr. Mutia Delina was the host and started by singing the national anthem Indonesia Raya. After that, the public lecture was officially opened by Deputy Dean III Dr. Hadi Nasbey. Then, the prayer reading was guided by Dr. Teguh Budi Prayitno before the presentation of the material began by the two speakers,

For the first session, Ronny Sutarto, Ph.D provided the first material which was moderated by Dr. Umiatin. Ronny Sutarto, Ph.D is an ITB alumni in the field of materials science who currently works at REIXS Research Associate, Canadian Light Source, located in Canada as a scientist. He obtained his doctorate in 2009 at the University of Cologne, Germany. In his presentation, he explained about ‘Synchoutron Radiation and its Applications’. As the name suggests, synchrotron radiation is electromagnetic radiation produced by accelerating particles at high energies for material characterization. One of the advantages of this radiation compared to conventional radiation is its high intensity power so it can save radiation time.

According to him, this radiation is very useful in various fields. In the agricultural sector, this radiation can be used to detect diseases in plants and determine ways to treat these diseases. Meanwhile, in the health sector, this radiation is also useful for marking the spread of cancer cells in the human body so that preventive measures can be taken against the spread of cancer cells. In between his presentations, he also talked a little about his struggles since he was a student until he is now working. Quoting from a scientist, he believes that learning from experience is very important to support one’s career.

For the second session, material will be delivered by Jevita Andini Juliana, S.Si, M.M. who is an Universitas Negeri Jakarta physics alumnus class of 2008. When he was still an undergraduate student, he studied renewable energy under the guidance of the late Dr. Satwiko Sidopekso and got a GPA of 3.37. Then, he continued studying management at Pelia Harapan University. Currently, he works at PT ASUS Indonesia in the quality control management division. In this division, he is responsible for the technological innovation of ASUS products that will be released in the near future and determining marketing strategies. According to him, the most important thing is how to organize the working relationships of the connected network to determine each plan that will be implemented.

In between his presentations, he also talked about the bitterness of working in the industrial sector. Before working in industry, he was a freelance teacher who taught physics material for several months. This is done to fill free time when a call for the job you are applying for comes. For the record, he posts job vacancies at least 5 times almost every day. Before working at PT ASUS, he first worked at PT Multi Teknindo Infotronika, an electronic goods distribution company. He is responsible for managing sales activities, developing product concepts, and so on. This means that there are many things he has to learn and understand with very limited time. This is what made him gain a lot of experience and be able to survive amidst intense competition in the world of work. In the end, all of these experiences led him to work at PT ASUS and get the opportunity to visit foreign countries, such as the Netherlands, France and Korea to receive training and establish cooperative relationships between ASUS branches.

Finally, we hope that this public lecture will provide invaluable motivation for students to prepare to enter the world of work. What can be summarized is that experience is the most valuable teacher. The video of this public lecture can be viewed online via the link