Webinar: LabVIEW for Academic and Industrial Applications

Webinar: LabVIEW for Academic and Industrial Applications

On Thursday 12 November 2020, the physics study program in collaboration with the Universitas Negeri Jakarta physics education study program held a webinar on the topic “LabVIEW for Academic and Industrial Applications” which was aimed at all physics and physics education students class of 2018. This webinar event is basically a replacement activity for Lectures. Field Work (KKL) is held every year by the physics and physics education study program by visiting several educational or industrial institutions. However, the condition of the Covid-19 pandemic which has not yet subsided has forced all student activities to be carried out online.

This webinar event was moderated by Dr. Mutia Delina as host. The event started at 09.45 a.m by singing the song Indonesia Raya together. After that, the webinar activity was officially opened by Dr. Adisyahputa as Dean of FMIPA Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Then, the prayer reading was guided by Fauzi Bakri, M.Si before delivering the material. The speaker at this activity was Mr. Yasrof Adityo Mahardiko a representative from PT Halia Teknologi Nusantara. This material delivery event was moderated by Riser Fahdiran, M.Sc.

In his presentation, the speaker first gave an introduction about the meaning of LabVIEW and how to operate it. LabVIEW is a graphics or block diagram-based software. To operate LabView, the user first creates an interface in the available control panel. After that, the user can arrange a block diagram containing command codes to carry out certain operations. LabVIEW is very useful in processing and analyzing data used in the industrial sector. PT Halia Teknologi Nusantara has been a consultant in the industrial sector for many years using LabVIEW.

The main purpose of this webinar is as an opening to the LabVIEW training activities which all physics and physics education students of the class of 2018 must take part in. This training will be held intensively for 3 days in December 2020. The main purpose of this training is to provide additional skills in LabVIEW operations that might be useful for final assignments or additional skills in the world of work. This webinar event closed with a group photo of all the participants.