Webinar: Discussion on Curriculum Development for the Universitas Negeri Jakarta Physics Master’s Program

Webinar: Discussion on Curriculum Development for the Universitas Negeri Jakarta Physics Master’s Program

Dengan akan dibukanya program magister fisika dalam bidang material science, prodi fisika Universitas Negeri Jakarta mengadakan kegiatan diskusi kurikulum untuk menyesuaikan kurikulum program magister dengan perkembangan penelitian dalam bidang material science. Kegiatan ini diadakan pada hari Senin 23 November 2020 melalui aplikasi zoom. Peserta pada kegiatan kali ini adalah tim pengembang kurikulum dan dosen fisika Universitas Negeri Jakarta.

This activity was moderated by Dr. Mutia Delina as the host. The event was officially opened by Universitas Negeri Jakarta Physics Coordinator Dr. Widyaningrum Indrasari at 09.00. Before starting the material, a prayer was read by Dr. Teguh Budi Prayitno. In this activity, the physics study program invited Dr. Ade Sholeh Hidayat as a resource person from the BPPT Materials Technology Center moderated by Dr. Umiatin. However, before delivering the material to the resource person, Dr. Widyaningrum Indrasari first introduced the physics study program and plans to open a master’s degree in materials science.

The material presented by the resource persons includes the fields being researched, products that have been produced, available facilities, and collaboration with other agencies. He explained that the material technology innovation programs being researched include bone implant and dental implant material technology, energy storage and battery recycling technology, earthquake-resistant, fire-resistant, and low-cost building technology, turbine material technology, floater material design technology, and technology. protective equipment from COVID-19 made from hemp fiber nanomembrane.

The products resulting from technological research that have been produced include gas sensors, rubber airbags, and so on. All of these products are the result of collaboration with several related institutions/agencies, such as PT Inka, PT Antam, PT Kalbe, and so on. Apart from that, he also explained about the facilities available such as materials testing equipment, characterization laboratories, and several machines that are widely used in materials technology.

To become a collaborative partner, especially in research at universities, BPPT has different procedures. For the undergraduate stage, BPPT does not focus on reviewing theoretical studies from the research conducted. This is due to insufficient time and students’ level of understanding. However, for master’s and doctoral students, research can be carried out comprehensively, involving not only experimental studies but also theoretical studies. In this case, the students involved are required to provide progress reports according to the agreement.

The main aim of this discussion is to explore partner collaboration with the Universitas Negeri Jakarta physics master’s study program which is planned to be opened in the near future. This is also in accordance with the Minister of Education and Culture’s circular regarding the independent learning curriculum. Until now, the curriculum development team and the Universitas Negeri Jakarta physics master’s accreditation team are still continuing to make curriculum adjustments with several potential collaboration partners, one of which is BPPT. This webinar activity closed with a group photo.