Training and Socialization of Physics Student Creativity Program (Pelatihan dan Sosialisasi Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa Fisika) 2020

Training and Socialization of Physics Student Creativity Program (Pelatihan dan Sosialisasi Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa Fisika) 2020

One of the assessment parameters to improve the ranking of universities in Indonesia is the number of Student Creativity Programs (PKM) funded by DIKTI. Therefore, the Chancellor of Universitas Negeri Jakarta starting in 2020 appealed to all Universitas Negeri Jakarta students to participate in PKM activities. Apart from that, the Chancellor of UNJ also requires every student who has taken part in the thesis proposal seminar to send their proposal to take part in the PKM upload process which will then be reviewed at the university level. This is to encourage the quality and quantity of uploaded PKM proposals in 2021.

In 2020, 18 Universitas Negeri Jakarta student PKMs that were successfully funded were 18 proposals out of 300 proposals. However, only 3 proposals were successful in participating in the National Student Science Week (PIMNAS). Therefore. Several faculties, especially FMIPA, took the initiative to hold discussions and training to welcome PIMNAS 2021. This activity will be coordinated by the faculty BEM or study program BEM. Specifically for the physics study program, one group of students under the guidance of Dr. Umiatin managed to penetrate PIMNAS and win the favorite PKMKC-1 champion in 2020. This group of students called themselves the E-Balita Team which presented ‘an Arduino and Android based toddler growth and development monitoring tool’.

In the physics study program itself, on Sunday 29 November 2020, the BEM physics study program held “Training and Socialization of the Physics Student Creativity Program (PANSOS PKM Physics) 2020” with the theme “Achievement Physics Creation (SIKAT). This event was attended by all students, especially students from the class of 2020. In this event, Universitas Negeri Jakarta Physics BEM invited Dr. Mahmud Pasha from the Indonesian Education University (UPI) as a resource person who will provide tips and tricks for passing PIMNAS.

The objectives of this activity include:

  1. Increasing the knowledge and skills of Physics study program students in making proposals for the Student Creativity Program (PKM).
  2. Increasing the interest and talent of Physics study program students in making proposals for the Student Creativity Program (PKM).
  3. Facilitate Physics study program students in developing creative and innovative ideas.

In his presentation, he presented several PKM schemes available as well as the general characteristics of each PKM. Apart from that, he also shared his experience in developing students who take part in PKM, starting from preparation, and searching for new elements, to presenting material. The thing that is perhaps most difficult to do is to find the element of novelty. Therefore, he emphasized reading lots of references so that it is hoped that ideas for finding new elements will emerge. He also explained that PKM can be used as a vehicle for learning as well as entertainment because students are free to express all their creative ideas.

Finally, we hope that students and lecturers can coordinate with each other to improve the quality of proposals. Apart from that, we also hope that next year many proposals will pass to PIMNAS and win many awards.