PKM Proposal Training for Universitas Negeri Jakarta Physics Study Program

PKM Proposal Training for Universitas Negeri Jakarta Physics Study Program

In preparation for taking part in the 2021 Student Creativity Program (PKM), on Wednesday 2 December 2020 the physics study program held training on making PKM proposals for physics study program students. This event is specifically for students from the 2017 and 2018 classes who already have sufficient experience. This activity itself is a form of support for the UNJ Chancellor’s appeal as stated in the Chancellor’s Letter No. B/3265/UN39/KM/2020 relates to uploading PKM 2021 proposals.

This training event was moderated by Dr. Mutia Delina as MC. Apart from that, the resource person who presented the material was Dr. Iwan Sugihartono and Dr. Umiatin. For the first material, Dr., Iwan Sugihartono explained the criteria for each type of PKM available, starting from the scientific field, funding, and mandatory outcomes. Apart from that, he also explained how students look for new ideas that are relevant and innovative. What is no less important, he also explained how to write scientific articles that can attract people’s interest in reading.

For the second material, Dr. Umiatin explained his experience as a PKM supervisor in 2020. He succeeded in bringing the students under his guidance to the National Student Science Week (PIMNAS) which was held in November 2020. In his presentation, he told about the process of his students’ journey so that they could qualify for PIMNAS. He emphasized the importance of teamwork in developing creative and original ideas proposed in PKM.

After the material presentation session, the event continued with sharing experiences presented by the 2020 PKM physics team who succeeded in winning the favorite PKM-Karsa Cipta (PKMKC-1) champion in the 2020 PIMNAS event. This team consists of Mutiara Pratama, Revo Magfiranda, and M. Farhan Wildani. This team is guided by Dr. Umiatin named his team the E-Balita Team. This team presented an Arduino and Android-based toddler growth and development monitoring tool. This team shared their experiences of tips and tricks for getting into PIMNAS, starting from searching for ideas to presenting the results they got.

Melalui pelatihan dan sharing pengalaman inilah diharapkan mahasiswa prodi fisika mampu meningkatkan kuantitas maupun kualitas dari proposal yang akan diajukan untuk PKM tahun 2021 nanti. Hal ini untuk mendorong lebih banyak lagi proposal yang lolos ke tingkat PIMNAS. Sebagai informasi, hanya 3 proposal saja dari UNJ yang berhasil mengikuti ajang PIMNAS dari 300 proposal PKM yang diajukan pada tahun 2020 ini. Kita semua berharap banyak mahasiswa prodi fisika dapat turut serta dalam ajang PIMNAS tahun 2021 mendatang.