RECONSA (Regional Conference on Student Activism), 26-29 June 2019; Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Malaysia

RECONSA (Regional Conference on Student Activism), 26-29 June 2019; Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Malaysia


Regional Conference on Student Activism (RECONSA) Inspires Change and Empowerment at Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Malaysia

[City, Date] – Universiti Teknologi Petronas was honored to host the Regional Conference on Student Activism (RECONSA) from June 26th to June 29th, 2019. This transformative event brought together passionate student activists, educators, and leaders from across the region to explore pressing issues, share ideas, and inspire positive change.

RECONSA 2019 was a resounding success, fostering a dynamic platform for discussions and collaborations on various aspects of student activism. The conference aimed to empower young activists with the knowledge, tools, and inspiration to drive positive societal change.

Highlights of RECONSA 2019:

  1. Engaging Workshops and Seminars: Attendees had the opportunity to participate in a wide range of workshops and seminars, covering topics such as environmental sustainability, social justice, gender equality, and more. Renowned speakers and experts led these sessions, sharing valuable insights and practical strategies for effective activism.
  2. Networking and Collaboration: RECONSA facilitated networking and collaboration among participants, encouraging the exchange of ideas and the formation of alliances to address common challenges and aspirations.
  3. Cultural Exchange: The conference celebrated cultural diversity through cultural nights, showcasing the rich traditions of the region. This cultural exchange encouraged mutual understanding and appreciation among attendees.
  4. Student-Led Initiatives: The conference highlighted student-led initiatives and success stories, inspiring attendees to take action in their own communities. It showcased how students can be powerful agents of change.
  5. Empowerment: RECONSA aimed to empower students with the confidence and skills needed to create a positive impact in their societies. The conference emphasized the importance of grassroots activism and civic engagement.

About Universiti Teknologi Petronas:

Universiti Teknologi Petronas is a leading institution of higher education in Malaysia, committed to nurturing future leaders and fostering a sense of social responsibility among its students. The university takes pride in hosting events like RECONSA that encourage critical thinking, activism, and community engagement.

RECONSA 2019 was a testament to the university’s commitment to nurturing socially conscious leaders and promoting positive change in society.