Field Work Lecture 2016

Field Work Lecture 2016

Dates: November 15-16, 2016


  1. Bandung Institute of Technology
  2. Puspa IPTEK Bandung and
  3. Kamojang Geothermal Power Plant

Field Work Lecture is one of the activities of the Physics Study Program and Physics Education students to provide learning experiences to students in the field, such as in educational institutions and industry. Field Work Lecture activities are also a process of learning and community service that is being developed and knowing the successes and problems they face. Tertiary institutions carry out Field Work Lecture to increase the mission and value of education for students and to get greater added value in higher education. Field Lectures aim to increase the relevance of higher education to real-world developments and the needs of society within the scope of Science and Technology (IPTEK), including Physics.

Field Work Lecture is a co-curricular activity for every student of the Physics and Physics Education study program whose implementation is carried out through work visits to Field Work Lecture partner agencies outside the campus.

The objectives of this Field Work Lecture are:

  1. Get to know and understand the world of work in science.
  2. Identify various problems and challenges in the world of work.
  3. Understand the application of science and technology learned in lectures to various aspects of the world of work.

The direct benefits that students can feel from study programs, faculties, and institutions are:

  1. Increasing student insight into the world of work according to the field of science
  2. Please provide an overview to students about the relationship between theory and its application and the factors that influence it.
  3. Provide provision and introduction to students about the world of work in the field of science.