Reunion 2018

Reunion 2018

University of Jakarta

Saturday, July 14th 2018

The Alumni Association is an alum organization that collects and distributes the aspirations of alums to provide a role in nation-building and upholding the alma mater. Considering the increasing number of alums and the magnitude of the challenges faced in the future, it is felt that there is a need for consolidation in the field of organization and professionalism. The growing number of alums also demands a wider distribution of aspirations. Until 2018, Jakarta State University alums were more than 100 thousand who worked and were spread across various institutions and agencies, both government and private. This is an important human resource potential for the community and Jakarta State University. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize its potential simultaneously to synergize for the benefit of society and alma mater institutions through the Alumni Association.

Jakarta State University Alumni Association held the VIIIth General Conference agenda as a forum for consolidation and management regeneration on Friday-Saturday 12-13 May 2017 at the Kartika Chandra Hotel, Jakarta. The event itself was attended by representatives of the Alumni Association of each study program and faculty, representatives of the leadership of the dean rector, and representatives of the Alumni Association of the Jakarta State University regional branch who attended from the Padang and Makassar branches. According to the committee’s statement, the target for participants at this conference is 72 participants and observers. This year’s congress raised the theme “Alumni: Alma mater Calls You”.

The Alumni Association of Physics Study Program and Physics Education, as part of the Jakarta State University Alumni Association, participates and contributes directly or indirectly to activities involving alums, students, and study programs, including Alumni Gathering, Public Lectures (Studium Generale), Olympism Camp, National Seminar on Physics in. In 2018, a Physics Study Program Almunication Gathering was held to maintain synergy between alumni, students and study programs held on July 21, 2018. Head of Physics alums at Jakarta State University, Mr. Saehu Nurdin, Along with the Alumni Gathering Committee, invited alums who are willing to attend and retired Lecturers. Retired lecturers who were able to attend the occasion included Drs. Muhsin Lubis, M.Sc, Drs. Tasman Abbas, Dr. Supriyadi, M.Pd. Retired lecturers who were not present were due to a simultaneous event.