Registration for the 2019 Physics National Seminar

Registration for the 2019 Physics National Seminar

We are in the industrial era 4.0, marked by increasing connectivity, interaction, and boundaries between humans, machines, and other resources, which are increasingly convergent through information and communication technology, known as the phenomenon of disruptive innovation. This phenomenon has fundamentally changed the way of life, the way of working, and the way of cooperation in the domestic and global scope. The younger generation, especially students, must be at the forefront of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era. In order to build innovation capabilities, the role of universities and research institutions is to be the main support for forming an innovation ecosystem that produces quality research and benefits national independence. Collaboration of all stakeholders is required, starting from the government, the private sector, academia, and the wider community to increase mastery of technology, especially in supporting the industrial era 4.0. As one of the stakeholders, Jakarta State University is also responsible for producing quality human resources that can compete at the national and global levels. One of the efforts to make this happen, the Physics Study Program and Physics Education Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Jakarta State University, in collaboration with the Indonesian Physics Association in the Jakarta area, held a National Physics Seminar with the theme “The Role of Physics and Physics Education in Technological Innovation for National Independence in Industry 4.0 Era.”


  1. Prof. Dr. ing. Eko Supriyanto – Director of IJN-UTM Cardiovascular Engineering Center
  2. Dr. err. nat. Bambang Heru Iswanto, M.Si – Lecturer in Physics, Jakarta State University
  3. Dr. Heru Kuswanto, M.Si, Head of Physics Education Study Program, Yogyakarta State University


Abstract Acceptance Deadline : 4 May 2019

Abstract Announcement Accepted : 8 May 2019

Deadline for Early Bird Payments         : 30 April 2019

Seminar Participant Registration Deadline : 20 May 2019

Full Article Acceptance Deadline           : 22 June 2019

Implementation of the Seminar : 29 June 2019