Dr. Iwan Sugihartono, M.Si.- Physics Lecturer at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Jakarta State University who won the 2018 Best Lecturer Award in Scientific Publication

Dr. Iwan Sugihartono, M.Si.- Physics Lecturer at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Jakarta who won the 2018 Best Lecturer Award in Scientific Publication

Thursday 7 February 2019, the Physics Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Jakarta State University won two achievements at once:

1) as the Best Study Program in Publication and 2) Best Lecturer Award in Scientific Publications 2018.

This award was given by LPPM (Research Institute and Community Service) Jakarta State University in the Inauguration of the Lecturer Research Business Incubator at the Latief Hendraningrat Hall, Dewi Sartika Building.

Acquisition of the Best Lecturer in the Field of Scientific Publication in 2018 for Dr. Iwan Sugihartono is of course due to his extraordinary publication achievements, as can be seen from [Sinta] profile. Access in February 2019, it was noted that Dr. Iwan Sugihartono with 188 Scopus document citations, h-index 6, and i10-index 6. Hopefully in the future, the publication of “Pak Iwan” can continue to increase and become an inspiration.