“MAG-POWDER” The Powder that Successfully Delivered a Patent at the Inauguration of the LPPM Business Incubator, Universitas Negeri Jakarta

“MAG-POWDER” The Powder that Successfully Delivered a Patent at the Inauguration of the LPPM Business Incubator, Universitas Negeri Jakarta

The inauguration of the Jakarta State University Business Incubator on Thursday 7 February 2019 featured various research results from the Jakarta State University’s LPPM, including “MAG-POWDER.” This fine powder is one of Dr. Dr.’s research topics. Erfan Handoko who is a lecturer in the Physics Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Jakarta State University. Before “mejeng” at the Inauguration of the LPPM Business Incubator, Jakarta State University, “MAG-POWDER” was successfully registered for a patent in 2015, of course, a very proud achievement from Dr. Erfan Handoko dedicated to Jakarta State University.

MAG-POWDER is a metal oxide material that has several functions as an advanced material. After going through mechanical and magnetic processes, MAG-POWDER has an optimum magnetic content of 85% by weight for coarse powders and 79% for fine powders. The use of MAG-POWDER is as a natural magnetic material, a raw material for permanent magnets, and a material for absorbing high-frequency electromagnetic waves (Giga Hertz). MAG-POWDER has its own history in the course of research, details can be seen in Mr. Dr.’s profile. Erfan Handoko [SINTA]. Hopefully, in the future, more intellectual property rights will be won by Lecturers of the Physics Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Jakarta State University.