Community Service Activities – Universitas Negeri Jakarta August 2019

Community Service Activities – Universitas Negeri Jakarta August 2019

The first day of the training activity was in the form of Smart Phone Utilization Training for Posyandu Cadres, which was held in the Karaton Village, Pandeglang Regency. In this activity, Posyandu cadres were trained to create an Android-based toddler growth and development monitoring system. The monitoring system by utilizing Android technology is expected to facilitate access to the information system for monitoring the weight and height of toddlers.

While the activities on the second day were in the form of a Science/Physics Learning Workshop and its Applications. The activity was carried out at the IBAD Ar Rahman Islamic Boarding School. Workshop participants were high school physics teachers and junior high school science teachers in Pandenglang district, as well as class XII students at the IBAD Ar Rahman Islamic Boarding School. The workshop material is quite a lot, namely STEM: Algorithm-Based Robots and Making Robots, Making Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) Based Test Questions, Development of Gangsing Smart Orbital (GSO) Media to Improve Creative Thinking Skills, ICT Studies in Physics Learning, Designing Based Learning Devices 21st Century Learning Skills, and Development of Sensor-Based Physics Teaching Aids.