List of Physics Cluster Lecturer Awards at the 2022 LPPM Award

As a form of appreciation from the Jakarta State University LPPM to outstanding lecturers at UNJ, on Wednesday 15 June 2022 a handover of awards was held to Jakarta State University lecturers who had been selected as outstanding lecturers for several categories. For the physics group itself, the following is a list of award-winning physics lecturers

Most Publication of International Proceedings

1. Dewi Muliyati, S.Pd., M.Sc. (First Best)

2. Fauzi Bakri, S.Pd, M.Sc. (Second Best)

3.Dr. Vina Serevina (Third Best)

Most Citations

1.Dr. Iwan Sugihartono (First Best)

2. Prof. Dr. Erfan Handoko (Second Best)

Most Patents/Simple Patents

Prof. Dr. Erfan Handoko (Second Best)

Sinta’s Most Appreciation of Study Programs in 2021

1. Physics Education S1 (First Best)

2. S1 Physics (Second Best)

3. S2 Physics Education (Third Best)

UNJ OJS Journal Award

Indexed Sinta 2 Journal of Research and Development of Physics Education (Physics Education Study Program)

Community Service Poster

Dr. Umiatin (Third Best)

Community Service Videos

Dr. Umiatin (Second Best)

We congratulate and always success to all the selected lecturers. Hopefully these results can advance the physics family in general