Socialization of Group Interests in Renewable Energy and Instrumentation Research

Socialization of Group Interests in Renewable Energy and Instrumentation Research

Renewable Energy Research and Instrumentation Research Group is a study group that focuses on the development and application of renewable energy technology and instrumentation related to the energy sector. One of the activities carried out by this group is the dissemination of interest which aims to increase public understanding and awareness about renewable energy and instrumentation. This outreach involved various parties, such as students, the general public, and stakeholders related to the energy sector.

In this socialization, the Renewable Energy and Instrumentation Research Interest Group gave an in-depth explanation of various renewable energy technologies, such as solar power, wind power, hydro, and others. In addition, this group also discussed the benefits of using renewable energy, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, reducing production costs, and increasing energy independence.

Apart from renewable energy technology, this group also discussed the instrumentation used to measure and control the production of renewable energy. In this socialization, participants can learn about various tools and technologies used in measuring and monitoring the performance of renewable energy systems, such as temperature sensors, current sensors, power controllers, and others.

In order to achieve the objective of socializing this interest, the Renewable Energy and Instrumentation Research Interest Group also held discussion activities and question and answer sessions. This allows participants to gain a deeper understanding of topics that interest them and share experiences with others.

Overall, the socialization of the Interest Group for Renewable Energy Research and Instrumentation has an important role in increasing public understanding and awareness about renewable energy and instrumentation. Through this socialization, it is hoped that there will be an increase in the use of renewable energy sources that are environmentally friendly and maintain environmental sustainability for future generations.

Prototype testing of portable water turbines.

Prototype of portable water turbine.

Savonius Wind Turbine Prototype.

Miniatur Turbin

Wind tunnel developed by the Renewable Energy Report.