Olimpism Camp 2019

On November 22-24 2019, the physics study program and physics education jointly held the ‘Olympism Camp 2019’ activity which took place on a circular mountain. This activity was attended by all students of physics and physics education level I, totaling approximately 200 participants. This event is the closing of the Olympiad course in the odd semester.

The objectives of holding this event include:

1. Development of mental and character of class 2019 students

2. Synergize Study Program activities and Student Executive Body activities Physics Study Program, Physics Education FMIPA, Jakarta State University.

3. Applying and developing Olympic values in various aspects of life.

The participants and their accompanying lecturers departed in the morning on Friday, November 22 2019 from the courtyard of the Jakarta State University. Before departure, participants are asked to check the completeness of their members first. After everything was finished, the participants along with the accompanying lecturers held an opening apple with the apple supervisor being Dr. Hadi Nasbey who is also the chairman of the committee. Finally the participants entered the truck and headed for the round mountain with a journey of approximately 2 hours.

After arriving at the location, the participants focused on building tents and a small kitchen for cooking. From morning to evening around 19.00 there was no material from the committee. At 20.00 the committee gathered participants to give the first material. The event was opened by Dr. Anggara Budi Susila, then introduced the lecturers who were present including Drs. Soni Teguh. After that, dr. Soni Teguh gave introductory material about Olympiad to the participants. After the material was finished, the participants were given a briefing by the committee for the mountain climbing event in the morning. After everything was finished, both the committee and participants rested in preparation for tomorrow morning.

The mountain climbing event started on the morning of November 23 2019 with each group of participants totaling around 8 people. There are at least 4 posts that must be passed by participants to reach the final destination. Each post is guarded by accompanying lecturers and committee. All the committee and participants reached the top of the mountain at around 12.00, then everyone returned to their place of origin after resting sufficiently. The event continued with a joint meal between the committee and participants to add to the family relationship. The Olympic event was closed at night with a bonfire

The next day, both the committee and the participants fixed all the equipment to get ready to go home. After everything was finished, the event was officially closed with a closing ceremony. Dr. Hadi Nasbey acted as the coach of the apple ceremony and at the same time closed the ‘Olympism Camp 2019’ event. After that, the committee and participants returned to their respective destinations.