Physics Family Thanksgiving

For all the achievements obtained by the Physics Study Program and Physics Education during 2021 and in order to strengthen the friendship of the physics family, the Physics Study Program and Physics Education together held a Physics Thanksgiving activity which was carried out offline on:

: Wednesday, Desember 22 2021
: 11.00 a.m – finish
Place: Restoran Tumbar Jinten Sentul

The main agenda of this activity is to include

  1. Thanksgiving for the inauguration of the Professor of Physics
  2. Retired Prof.Dr.Yetti Supriati, M.Pd
  3. Release of Pure Mother Avita, A.Md

This event was opened with a foreword by Dr. Hadi Nasbey, remarks by representatives of professors of physics, by Prof. Yetti Supriati, then finally Murni Avita, A.Md. The event closed with lunch and door prizes.