Spektra Issue: Journal of Physics and Applications October 2021 Edition Volume 6 Issue 2

Spektra Issue: Journal of Physics and Applications October 2021 Edition Volume 6 Issue 2

The issue of Spektra: Journal of Physics and Its Applications October 30, 2021 edition volume 6 issue 2 contains 6 scientific articles covering the topics of material physics, instrumentation physics, computational physics, and medical physics. The outside contributors to this issue include the University of Indonesia, the Bandung Institute of Technology, and the Bogor Agricultural Institute. The following is the title of the article and the name of the author

  1. NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF ELECTRIC FORCE DISTRIBUTION ON TUMOR MASS IN DC ELECTRIC FIELD EXPOSURE’ by Muhammad Arif, Warsito Purwo Taruno, Septelia Inawati Wanandi, Anto Sulaksono
  2. STUDY OF THE EFFECT OF MAGNETIC FIELDS ON ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY MEASUREMENT IN FARADAY’S CAGE’ by Galih Restu Fardian Suwandi, Siti Nurul Khotimah, Freddy Haryanto, Suprijadi Suprijadi
  3. THE OPERATIONAL MODE OF OPTICAL MICROSCOPE APPLYING PHOTONIC JET MICROSCOPY’ by Andri Abdurrochman, Julian Akmal S, Ela Septianingsih, Intan F. Amatillah, L. Safriani
  4. ANALYSIS OF LATTICE PARAMETER, ERROR, AND THE BANDGAP ENERGY IN CADMIUM SULFIDE (CdS) SEMICONDUCTOR MATERIAL’ by Kamelia Fikriah, Talitha Alya Syaharani, Fitri Melinda, Lulu Lutfiah, Nada Huwaidah, Agnes Tiara Vinanda, Indriyati Rahmi Setyani, Meutia Awani, Alfi Afriliani, Irmansyah Irmansyah, Irzaman Irzaman
  5. THE PARAMETER ANALYSIS OF CUBICAL STRUCTURED CADMIUM TELLURIDE (CdTe) SEMICONDUCTOR MATERIALS’ by Sinta Puspita Apriliani, Susi Susilawati, Koharudin Koharudin, Sarah Nabilah, Dwi Lestariningsih, Witri Desmulyani, Anis Munir Rukyati, Muhammad Fikri Fakhrurozi, Stefiana Sondary Az Zahrah, Irmansyah Irmansyah, Irzaman Irzaman
  6. THE SIMULATION AND DATA ANALYSIS OF TEMPERATURE SENSOR’ by Hilal Fauzi Ramadhan, Retno Dwi Kartika Sari, Adnan Prasetyo Alamsyah, Adrian Fadhillah, Rizki Nurhikmah, Sarah Aribah Miftahulfallah, Widya Rahma, Ari Firia, Dea Amelia Saputri, Irmansyah Irmansyah, Irzaman Irzaman

Some of the articles in the second edition of 2021 are articles that were selected at the 2021 National Physics Seminar which was held on June 19, 2021. To maintain the quality of the journal, all Spektra journal articles have gone through a peer review process by bestari partners and gone through a template, English, and content editing process. The main hope of the Spektra journal is to become a trusted reference source for research in the field of physics and its applications. All articles can be viewed and downloaded for free at the link: http://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/spektra/index